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Third Eye Candy Oct 2015
your paradise is giving me hell... yet -
we bark at the same moon
and all's well. we strike the brass bells of our Wednesday
and keep havoc on a leash. drinking mint tea... pealing anguish
from a flask... stalking clarity with a cowbell -
spoiling ribbons of the sun
with night streaks of blind lemons
coiling in the blue sky of dread reckoning... a periscope
in the marsh, festooned with limp reeds and wild things...
my eyes clunk in the Mcguffin
and go the way of Eastern men with rope tricks
it clicks on the steam in my kettle
where harm has a hammock.
and a gentle breeze typhoons
in a fools mouth.

as the whirligigs of Autumn
preach Spring

in Amsterdam.

i'm left out.
Third Eye Candy Nov 2015
i am unknown.
however i bake
my cake
the quintessence of a fool
is His oven,
or Her

let the heat
play Winter's Thoughts
and arrive
before the likes
of me
and my complete

I am redacted
from the narrative,
much like -
your reason to breathe -
lurks behind a

or a fog is a glimpse.


the parabola
from the arch of
all Monte Cristo !
you shank the villain
as villainy is your twin.,,
we cohabit  
the one
and split the difference
the same.

from some " within ".


like thin filaments of music returning to a stream
to bow their heads in the Eucharist of a slit wrist  -
we are confluent in the chambers of our undertow
and serve such masters, a world can endure
but hardly love the triumph of the cube
over paisley cubes,


i almost say something all the time.


all the Time,
rhys myers Aug 2014
i wish i could find my brother
he would love the way this light
is cutting through the thoroughfare.
such a sense of foreboding

but this could be Sandy’s doing,
if anything, it’s a red herring.
maybe i’m rushing to judgement.
it could be a McGuffin

either way
it will end how it always does.
the antithesis of every scenario running through my-*******-head at a mile a minute.

the King of the ******.
rarely mine.

it might be time to put the drink down.
Third Eye Candy Jan 2021
Glumping in the runkle of a midge twitch
with a slinky and a serrated rainbow jackknife-
tucked into a barley-cork for daylight
at a full stop...

at Night.

some sort of contraption;
the actual
beating heart of the moon
noteworthy for gazing
at the Fugazi
of our

without a star to pin
to a moon’s compass
however Noon.

Trading on our whimsical affairs, we spice the McGuffin
with a pinch of twee smirk and malicious vermouth.
we gin the rigor of our spiral descent with a debauchery
to span the bloat of our delusions
combing the banks of our foggy creek beds
for applesauce
and farthings.
leaping into the shriek
of our lull.

undaunted by the stars
at the edge
of the

as we pillage


— The End —