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Sharina Saad May 2013
Mrs Sharma is looking busy
Walking back from her yoga class
In Her right hand a bag full of potatoes
In her left hand, 2 kilos of onions
Its a freaking hot day in Delhi,
She stopped a taxi and hurried home
Aloo paratha her family's menu for today.

At home she went straight to her kitchen
Peeled and boiled the Potatoes
finely chopped Onion, coriander, ginger and chillies
Now where is the garam masala?
Here you are Mrs Sharma,
Salt Red Chili powder, Garam masala and some butter
Aloo Paratha with lots of butter,YUM YUM
Lunching at Sharma's home is Splendid
better than Mahesh Lunch Home in Juhu, Andheri.

Let's get started says Mrs Sharma
Let's make the dough
Make two chapati
add the filling to one chapati
and cover it with the second one.
Now Mrs Sharma rolls it slightly and heats it in the oven...

Let's ask Mrs Sharma,
Is food the elixir of life?
Yes very much she said
She feels like she is living for it.
As she spreads butter over the paratha
She says her mantra twice,
Eat healthy but don’t over eat.

She serves aloo paratha hot to her smiling kids
adds yoghurt to Mr Sharma's plate
she is so proud when she says to her family
Eat in moderation and eat healthy..
Smile and let's eat Aloo paratha Mrs Sharma's way...
Aloo paratha is my late mom's favourite..
Lovely hopes of rainbow colour
Blessed for us
Cuddly photos of divine babies
adorn our home.
Two little buds sprouted
to see the sunshine,
Grasping her deep spirit
Day,weeks and months ......
We were blindfolded and undone,
Two little buds where are  you..
Have you hidden  in a heaven of deep blue sky...
Oh! you have hidden
We cannot see you
But you are there
Please look at us through silky clouds
we are your unseen mother and father

Mahesh Chandrasekera
Mahesh Hegde Jan 2014
Sitting there in a mist I was lookin at the turning,
Holding onto what the heart was yearning,
50 percent was it about u concerning,
50 percent fr the nasty end determining.
Cold was the blood from the brain returning,
Soul was chilled but the body was burning.
Body was in a trauma, its insides churning,
And the soul inside that body just kept mourning.

She was there in front of me,
Questions raising in mind lyk a hue.
It was lyk we were meeting,
Somewhere out of the blue.
Her eyes brown and cold,
Like those prepared to hold,
Clenching my heart with her softest touch,
She was Silent but extravagantly bold..
Hair was like the flowing river,
Ears covered with small rings of gold.
Her Lips were saying something,
Eyes depicting back the love which was once sold.

We'd been so beautiful together,
But then u smashed and made it all fall,
Then I went on walking aimlessly,
About the world, I hardly cared at all.
What did u think I was made of,
Body of wood And heart wid abstract walls?,
And then the gasoline u took by,
Spilled it, lit it and made it burn all.
Now u come again to see the burnt ashes,
And wid those lips, to this, love u call.
U'd been so enormous to me,
Now u r the same but u look so small.
The only fear that now concerns me,
Is if u ask for forgiveness I vl forget it all.

Sitting there in a mist I was lookin at the turning,
Holding onto what the heart was yearning,
50 percent was it about u concerning,
50 percent fr the nasty end determining.
Cold was the blood from the brain returning,
Soul was chilled but the body was burning.
Body was in a trauma, its insides churning,
And the soul inside that body just kept mourning.

Mahesh Hegde Nov 2013
How do you come to know if there's attatchment in you..? How can you say that you feel connected to someone..?
Is it by the fact of feeling hurt when someone tells u something..?
Or by the hurt you feel when you say something to someone and then the despair runs through your veins to your mind cuz of the guilt that rises due to your actions..?
Or by the ***** in your heart when the veritable verdict enlightens you after your words attack the Victim..?
Or otherwise is it the simple but the only strong feeling of being carried away when you leave all the world around you and close your eyes concentrating on the point exactly between your eyebrows, thinking of the pure miniscule that was present, before the Creator, destroyer and the protector were seperated, and then flowing in the energy of that miniscule..?
Attatchment and hurt always work like the process which involves equilibria.. And when they both take part in the chemical reaction, that takes place in the mind, Life is defined Partly..
But The happiness associated with the mould that consists attatchment and hurt is of the pleasure that seeps in to your body knowingly pursuading bliss..
But the happiness associated with the dedication of your soul to the non-material world is of the pleasure that licks your sensational nerves in your brain pursuading Ecstasy..
So whenever someone asks you how can you be attatched, with someone or the one that lives in everyone, then by not evoking a discussion tell them, "its simple to ask, but complicated to explain" . . .
- Mahesh Hegde.
Mahesh Hegde Sep 2013
You are walking on the lake,
Of Ghastly cold stream flowing down,
And it chills to your bone..
The beast then invades you,
To interpose fire in all the nerves,
Which fights with the chill for the throne.
Protuding Sweet sarcasm,
All the querries undone,
But solutions having no room.
And you are dying to live,
The way u wanted to,
Holding back the melted hopes invading the gloom.

Dont panic, just call yourself back,
Light will defeat the shadows of dark,
Take a deep breath, And close your eyes,
This fear of yours will end up to be stark.

Fallen asleep on your bed,
You wake up at midnight,
And there the horror fills in you..
Sweat pouring out of you,
Frightening images hurling up your mind,
Heart pounces with raised up confused hues.
Then the windows shatter,
The winds roaring are clear,
And you are alone in the dungeon,
There your fear holds the sword,
Impairment filled fiery red eyes,
Wid your confidence is its vengeance.

Dont panic, just call yourself back,
Light will defeat the shadows of dark,
Take a deep breath, And close your eyes,
This fear of yours will end up to be stark.

Mahesh Hegde
Shine in sunshine
Glittering with dew drops
Tender swing in a mild wind
Resembles to a heaven ...
Golden bee flies across
Dreaming a heavenly retreat...
Alas,it rests in peace
With a ghastly spirit

Mahesh Chandrasekera
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Krishna tells Arjuna:

“Prakritim svam avyashtubhya,

Visrajami punah punah”:

“Capturing my own Nature,

I create again and again” (Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s translation,

Often given by him during Invincible America Assembly sessions,


We can follow this advice,

Experience Entirety as Krnishna,

Who is our Total Self,

And within our Self,

Create Again and Again.

Already we are doing it to some degree:

Let’s keep unfolding our Awareness until

We experience it Fully!

Innocently doing it!

I worship you my dear college
              You provided me knowledge
           You taught me life's lesson
           Gave my life a right direction

          The classroom where I study
        The pleasant company with buddy
      Whenever I remember your premises
             That saved me from all nemesis

          You'll always be in my memories
     You are Really the make up of my worries
          You opened the gate way to my future
         I was the wound and you were the suture.

        Perhaps one day everything will pop off by time
        But you will continue to find a place in my rhyme.

Composed by:-
Mahesh B. Sahay Ved
Lecturer In English
Govt. Girls' Senior Secondary School,
Dalot, Pratapgarh ( Rajasthan)
Leaving this opulent birth When I will die
On account of this my kith and kin will cry
But in fact  who'll conceal the ultimate truth ?
God will rain on us the shower of His ruth .

Death opens the gate of new severe life
It perishes heartaches and slavish strife
Don't shed tears I'll not really go
My existence will remain in river's flow

My body will be deteriorated but not my soul
Mingling in over soul is our axiom and inevitable goal
So on my death don't cry
I'll always in the voluptuous blue sky.

Truly saying I'll not go really forever
Reality happens tomorrow or whenever
When you will think about me
I'll be there jocund and jovial you'll see.

Long and short I say and say
Once for all I am in form today
Death makes me formless
Nameless, blameless, and shapeless.

Don't scream on my final demise
This vacuumess is my abode paradise
My soul neither scattered nor battered
Grieve not I'll neither burn nor shattered.

A drop of Adam's ale becomes itself ocean
Mingling in it and just joining the ocean
As same of that drop I'll join the endless
I'll be blissful with my origin, don't be hopeless

I'll join the very pretty lighthouse
I'll be a part of that heavenly carouse
Don't mourn I'll be perfectly enlighten
Don't lament I'll be perfectly brighten.

Composed by:-
Mahesh B. Sahay Ved
Lecturer In English
Govt. Girls'Senior Secondary School,
Dalot Pratapgarh.(Rajasthan)
Although we are barefoot
    Yet our tiny eyes have some dreams
          Although we lack suit and boot
    Yet we long for to be ocean's streams.

             We have dreams of good life
                 Betterment for humanity
                       Our life is dark rife
           We'll spread the message of Amity

                 O' teacher , pour your love
           Award us with your benevolence
               We'll fly in the sky like a dove
       Mould us magnificent & full of elegace.

                Whatever circumstances ,
                We'll step toward school.
                 Whatever happenstances ,
                 We'll pick a pen as a tool.

Composed by:-
Mahesh B. Sahay Ved
Lecturer in English
Govt. Girls' Senior Secondary School,
Dalot , Pratapgarh ( Rajasthan)
Leaving this opulent birth When I will die
On account of this my kith and kin will cry
But in fact  who'll conceal the ultimate truth ?
God will rain on us the shower of His ruth .

Death opens the gate of new severe life
It perishes heartaches and slavish strife
Don't shed tears I'll not really go
My existence will remain in river's flow

My body will be deteriorated but not my soul
Mingling in over soul is our axiom and inevitable goal
So on my death don't cry
I'll always in the voluptuous blue sky.

Truly saying I'll not go really forever
Reality happens tomorrow or whenever
When you will think about me
I'll be there jocund and jovial you'll see.

Long and short I say and say
Once for all I am in form today
Death makes me formless
Nameless, blameless, and shapeless.

Don't scream on my final demise
This vacuumness is my abode paradise
My soul neither scattered nor battered
Grieve not I'll neither burn nor shattered.

A drop of Adam's ale becomes itself ocean
Mingling in it and just joining the ocean
As same of that drop I'll join the endless
I'll be blissful with my origin, don't be hopeless

I'll join the very pretty lighthouse
I'll be a part of that heavenly carouse
Don't mourn I'll be perfectly enlighten
Don't lament I'll be perfectly brighten.

Composed by:-
Mahesh B. Sahay Ved
Lecturer In English
Govt. Senior Secondary School,
Baswa, Dausa (Rajasthan).
But I Remember The Day

Dedicate to
(Prof.) Mr. P.M Meena
(Head of Department-English)
Late. Rajesh Pilot Govt. P.G College, Bandikui, Rajasthan

You don’t remember  the day
When you rebuked me for talking in class
During your lecture
But I remember the day.

Some day I was unknown to you
I was a normal class student to you
Time by time we came closer to each other
And finally in me something you discover .

How can anyone foget someone’s favour
As same  how can I forget my saviour
Whatever today I am jut because of your personally touch
        How can I bound your glory in words which is so much.

Always keep blessing me
So that new dreams I can see
Bless me to fly in the dark rolling sky
With your blessing I will ***** my head high.

Truly you gave me understanding of things
Truly to fly you gave me the wings
You carried me to the light from darkness
Because of you I have found true happiness.

Very Happy Birthday Sir !!

Composed by:-
Mahesh B. Sahay Ved
(Lecturer In English)
Govt. Girls’ Senior Secondary School
Dalot, Pratapgarh ( Rajasthan)

— The End —