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Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2015
She's mad
She's mad
That woman
Who always showers herself
With floral fragrances
Who waits for the wrong moments
To tell the most important things
Who laughs genuinely loud
In the most uncontrollable way
She's mad
She's mad
At being the woman
That she is

Look at the other side of that tender woman.
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2014
She sees some sort of beauty tainted in the smell of almost a pack of cigarettes.
And little drops of his favorite coffee stained his body and resided as freckles that showed the amount of kisses she would leave on his wild skin - if he'd let her.
His innocence resides in his virility - if virility was ever innocent.
And for him, she is just the portal to heaven to which he holds the key.
And that key itself led him to other heavens, sometimes to a few hells, and some other times to nowhere.
With her, he might go nowhere.
But if she decides to take him on a little trip, his key will lead him to a journey he's never been to - her.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
I can hear you whispering in my ear, every night before I go to sleep:

"You will always be fond of me.
I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit."

And to that lullaby, my eyes rest.

- LynnAA
When love and hate merge.

The quote is from Oscar Wilde.

Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2016
مسِِكني من خوانيقي
حَمّلني باقة ورد بإيدي
لَبّسني فستان ب لالي
رِشّلي عطر ع رقبتي
قَرّب نَفَسَك ع دينتي
وَشوِشني كلام حلو
و شدّ إيديك ع خوانيقي

Wrap your hands around my neck
Give me flowers to hold
Dress me up in a nice translucent dress
Spread perfume all over my skin
Breathe into my ear
Whisper softly to me
"I love you"
And then tighten your hands around my neck

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
و ركض لتحت الشجرة و قميصه مجعلك, صبّاطو موَحّل و بنطالونه واسع
بس ريحتو مثل الياسمين
عيناه بيِعْكسو نجوم درب التبانة كلها
و صوته موجة عالية بتوصل على الشّط و بتسَرْحِب رغوتها على الرملات ل توصل على إجريك

He ran towards the tree, his shirt rippled, his shoes muddy and his pants too big for him
But he smelled of Jasmine
His eyes were the home of the Milky Way
And his voice was like a high wave that hits the shore as its foam would run up the silky sand to softly touch your feet.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Just like you woke up one morning to lose your job, one day you will wake up to realize that probably this isn't where you want to be:
This isn't the only language you'd like to speak, this isn't the home you'd want to live in, this isn't the country you'd want to die in, this isn't the man you can sacrifice immense things for, this isn't the emotional spree you'd like to feel, this isn't the job you'd want to spend the rest of your life in, this isn't the freedom you are looking for, this isn't the only amount of knowledge you'd like to acquire, this is not your only family, this is not your only adventure...
And life will come back to your mind:
You revive a desire to study abroad. You believe you're living in your new rented studio in Prague, you see yourself studying by day, waiting tables in the afternoon and sleeping under warm sheets you bought yourself, at night. You live the adventure, you believe you left love here to find it again there. You know it'll be hard but you'll love it. You'll grow, you'll take care of yourself, you'll love, you'll cry alone at night, you'll learn to survive, you'll laugh with new acquaintances. You'll be stronger. You'll be independent. You'll be who you've always wanted to become.
This is why, always believe, that no matter how hard life can hit you, you know, in the back of your head, that this might not be the life you'd like to lead anyway. So hit life back harder and embrace your little dreams, construct them brick by brick and then go live them.
Never be afraid of letting go. Never fear starting anew. Life is full of surprises and if you haven't had any yet it's because you're only living the wrong one.

Be free.

Your Desired Life
- LynnAA

Cheers to life and its blows.
Cheers to the future.

Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2015
She smiled
And just like Jesus
She held her arms wide open
Thinking she could be my saviour too. Once again.
But Sweetie, even if your chain still adorns your neck
And your eyelashes still touch your eyelids
And your pants still heighten to your waist
And your tattoo still crosses your forearms,
Your mouth gagged lies
Your eyes burned in the void
And your neck was haunted by the absence of your perfume.

Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2015
raised her dress
off her thighs
and his lips
met the inside
of her imperfection

"In my imagination, you're waiting lying on your side with your hands between your thighs."
505 - Arctic Monkeys

Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2015
She drowns her neck in perfume
And turns in circles around herself
To inhale the scent
That she will forsake
On his skin

A crazy woman with a passion for perfume.
Especially if it lingers
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2014
And you
But you're not along with me
Yet you wander
In every relish
Every dedication
Every sensual tune
And every captured moment
Of induced euphoria.

Inspired by Nader Dagher.
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2017
Say hello to the monsters.
The ones that bed in you,
The ones that reveal themselves
The ones that turn into one
And the ones that find you.

Monster n°1 / The Fake One
This monster would want to prove itself and will use you because it can't depend on itself due to its insecurities. It's easily detectable.
This one is the least harmless.
All you have to do is simply lose contact - it won't need you twice.

Monster n°2 / The Backstabber
The one that crawls behind your back and leaves prints with every step it takes.
This one is the most vulnerable.
All you have to do is turn around, catch it and watch it tremor in-between your fingers.

Monster n°3 / The One That Dances With Your Demons
This monster dancer would do anything to get under your skin and show you what you'd wish to see.
This one is the most naive.
All you have to do is notice how it agrees with you on everything that comforts you instead of everything that makes you step forward.

Monster n°4 / The Puller
This one acknowledges itself as a monster and would show you, with all its ways, a road that meets your eye, but effectively, this road would eventually lead them to their goals.
This one is physically the strongest.
All you have to do is be mentally stronger and K.O. it.

Monster n°5 / The Choker
This one is an alpha monster. Its aim is to destroy you. It knows your power well and would do anything to stop you. It will make you love it as it poisons you. It would wrap itself around your neck and you wouldn't even notice.
This one is the most dangerous.
You can do nothing about it but seek help from people that can save you from all of what that monster has drained you from.

Say hello again to these monsters.
Now that you know them, don't become one and don't let them in.

- LynnAA
Monsters are never under your bed.

Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2015
He was there
Black bearded,
Turning her on
With a voice
That gets hold of her system
Like *****
And sends her tripping
On waves she will never ride
And grounds she will never walk on

It's all in your mind little girl.
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2014
She had her back uncovered
Light leaking into her pale skin.
She decided to wait there
Maybe her bare bloom
Will bring him back
Once more.

Eugène Durieu - Draped female **** (1854)
Come Wander With Me - Anneke Van Giersbergen

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2016
يا زهرة واقفة على سطح من سطوح بيروت، ريحتك متل الأفيون

You little flower planted on a rooftop in Beirut, you smell like *****

لين اا -
- LynnAA
You are cancer and delirium.

Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
When you are alone in a restaurant
And a stranger walks in and sits on the table facing you
And you feel that he is not hungry for food
But probably hungry for lust, beauty, new acquaintances, intellect, art, knowledge...
And that is when your bill comes back
You leave a tip and then the table
Abandoning him starving for the eye contact that would have fed his hunger.

- LynnAA
To the stranger who willingly came back into the restaurant and sat on the table facing me.

Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2014
Turn around, tender beauty
The dawn is calling for you
Take off your black Flamenco dress
And look at the sun
While its first rays touch your frail body
Burning all traces of him
Every soft touch
Every wild kiss
Every inaudible love word
Burning him to ashes, tender beauty.
To ashes.

Turn around, tender beauty
Don't let him see your big hazel eyes
Getting prettier as tears wash them up.

Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
She smells like a meadow of Jasmine trees
Soft breeze carrying off her scent
To the sun shining upon her
Making her floral skirt bloom
And her hair gleam
Like little raindrops
Pierced by a beam of sunlight

Dear sun, touch my neck
Inhale my Jasmines
Burn my hair
And let the breeze play with my skirt
So that my thighs can be kissed by you

Perfume is heavenly.
Lynn Al-Abiad Mar 2015
She uses her skin as a trap
To catch men and drug them
With their own lust until they
Surrender to their hallucinations
And fly away on a trip
To her body
As she touches them softly until
Their bones get filled with dopamine
And their mouths get to taste
Her beating heart under her *******.

- LynnAA
The skin talks louder than words.

Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2016
I didn't get the chance to count the freckles that hid on your cheeks under the darkness of the night that lit your face on the run.

- LynnAA
Because we all want the things we can't have.

Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2014
I can know when a woman
Is laying naked in your bed
Looking like a Greek Goddess
Or a Roman painting of a Goddess

She looks at you with eyes filled with lust
As the dim light uncovers her velvet skin

You are hypnotized by a painted beauty

I want to imagine you making love
To that ancient loveliness in your sheets
As the velvet turns into silk
As the painting comes to life
As the Goddess slowly degenerates
To become the sinful human being that I am.

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2015
You are still beautiful,

Your hazel eyes are still extraterrestrial
Ultraviolet rays still penetrate them,
Whenever you look into the sun,
And they whisper to you
"Only torn eyes
Can draw people into them."
And so they do.
Ultraviolet rays tear your eyes,
Dilating your pupils,
Feeling your iris,
Creating green craters
Only visible to the people who are drawn to your metamorphosis, little butterfly.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2014
He lost his tight grip over his
Glass of Cabernet Sauvignon
And it fell right at her feet.
She looked down at her white dress
Now stained with Sauvignon
She looked back at him
He was holding a glass of Merlot now
And this time he let it go intentionally.
She looked down at the floor
Shattered crystal sparkled
Like millions of stars
In an unwavering galaxy.
She looked back at him
He took her dress off
Laid it neatly on the floor
And went away.
He came back with a Pinot Noir bottle now
But she was gone.
He spilled the whole bottle
On what was left of her white dress.

Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2016
She is dressed in her pajamas
She breathes nothing but the smell of the tastiest food you will ever taste
She sips coffee three times a day
One in the morning after her breakfast
One at noon before her lunch
And one at six o'clock in the afternoon
Always with cardamom and a hint of sugar
Her hair is always *******
She wears three pairs of socks when it's cold
Her favourite companion during the day is a TV set
And at night,
When her husband and two kids are home
She already smells like food and cardamom.
She takes a hot shower
Wears a clean pajama
Puts on three new pairs of socks
And slips into her bed
While murmuring the lyrics of her favourite Spanish song

- LynnAA
To one very special woman who's fond of Spain, a land she can hardly visit anymore.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
كاس واحد و ألحان عربية
و خصري عم بميل يمين و شمال
و فستاني عم بيِعْلى عن فخذي
و شعري القصير عم بجرّب يطال كتافي
و إيدايي متل الموج بالصيف، بياخدوك و بجيبوك ع رواق
و ما شفتك غير واقف قدّامي
عيونك ضايعين ب خَصري
و بَسمتَك ضايعة بين فخاذي
و ما قدرت ما قرّب رَقْصك
و التَفِّت إيدي حول رَقبتَك
و تْمَلَّك جسمي جسمك
و الموسيقى الشرقية بلَّشِت تختفي
بس أنا خصري بقي يهزّ على خصرك
و فستاني بقي يِعْلَى عن فخاذي و عَلَّق بين فخاذنا
و شعري القصير خبّى وجوهنا
و إيدايي صارو متل العِرْبَيْشِة, لافّين حوالي عكّاز و ما ب فَلْتو

One drink, and oriental beats
And my hips are swaying to the right then to the left
And my dress is uncovering my thighs
And my short hair is trying to touch my shoulders
And my arms are like summer waves - they sway you softly
And all of a sudden I see you standing there
Your eyes lost in my hips
And your smile lost in between my thighs
And I couldn't not take your hand and dance with you
And my arms got locked around your neck
And my body owned your body
And the oriental beat started to degenerate
But my hips kept swaying on your hips
And my dress kept uncovering my thighs, getting stuck in between our thighs
And my short hair hid our faces
And my arms became like an espalier tree - wrapped around a pole and wouldn't let it go

لين اا -
- LynnAA

Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
Let me tell you something, Sir

You are the reason of my endless waits.
You, Sir, are the reason
Women like me drink coffee at 10 p.m
Believing that maybe
Only maybe
I would hear your voice at 3 a.m
Before I unwillingly fall asleep at 3:10 a.m
To wake up the next morning cursing my coffee.

Lynn Al-Abiad Mar 2015
You hid behind a glass-made wall
Flaring during daytime
Invisible during nighttime.

We smiled at an unknown future
We made love with raw words
We stayed in bed covered in sheets that smelled like endless sleep.

Our skins flooded in unknown perfume.
You never smelled my chamomile hair
And I never held on to your shirt.

And on a sunny summer day
Sunlight hit your glass wall
Flaring rainbows on your body
While you were taking a cold shower
And glass shattered to invisible pieces
Falling down like raindrops at your feet.

Only then, August's sunlight blinded me

And I never saw you since.

- LynnAA
Evoking a past.
Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
We are sitting on a rug and lots of pillows watching a movie projected on a white wall
And I can feel the overflow of light hitting our backs so strongly
I look at one of my hairs, the light is striking it and crossing it
I look at my hand and I see it laying over your chest and clinging to it
I see your shirt and how it moves with your breathing
I see you blink your eyes, cross your legs, fix your hair, adjust your position...
I see you wrap your arm around me, pull me closer, bring me to you...
I see you unaware of me being mindful of a movie of my own that you weren't watching:
Our bodies under the soft light of the ever so magical 24 frames per second.

- LynnAA
All these frames, all these seconds...

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
Bat your tall eyelashes away from me
Your kindness is strangling me

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2016
حاملة كاس نبيد أحمر ب إيدا و عيونو عم بتعِدّ خرزات ظهرها المكشوف
و شعرها مرفوع كعكة و رَقبِتها عم ب عيّطلو يجي يهجر شفافو على ريحة عطرها

She is holding a glass of red wine and his eyes are counting every vertebra of her exposed back
And her hair is pinned up in a bun in a way that her neck was calling for him to desert his lips on the scent of her perfume

لين اا -
- LynnAA
متى 26:26-27
John 6:56

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2017
Yes, I am crazy.
I am a fire, I do things I shouldn't do, I don't listen to good advises, I venture here and there, I listen to everyone and talk to no one, I touch people I shouldn't touch, I get undressed inappropriately, I run away to places only I know of, I lose myself in a long car ride, I always take the long way home when driving, I go to the beach and stay in the sea all day, I cut my hair when a story ends, or get a tattoo, I build walls in people's faces and destroy them when I feel comfortable around them, I spend more money than I make, I hop into strangers' cars everyday, I wear heels and go for long walks, I take routes that lead me to people I love, I sit on the edge of mountains with my legs hanging, I buy dance clothes and wear them everyday, I play songs I fall in love with on repeat for weeks, I yell out of happiness, I laugh oh so loud, ...
I am crazy because I can't be contained
I am crazy because I am curious about this world
I want to die with not a single "what if I had the courage?"
I apologize to those I hurt and will hurt
And I love back all those who fell in love with me
But most of all, I hope I grow through it all
I hope that, on my death bed, I can tell every crazy story to my sons and grand kids and die with a smile on my face, die happy, with all my memories flashing back inside my head.
I hope I become a fire that eats everything it meets and grows bigger and bigger, without burning, without leaving ashes behind, only bringing heat to those who have been feeling cold for a long while.

- LynnAA
Fire Sign.

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2017
Light leaks into my favorite room
An orange ray over light blue floor and walls
We point our toes, open our arms, extend our fingers, hold our heads high and our legs higher, we turn, leap, grab the floor and embrace our temporary wings
All that with us unaware of the light having it's own dance on our bodies.
This room is a home for angels
This room is for bodies who found home within their souls
This room is my home
This room is who I am
I am blessed to dance around light and with it
I belong here
I belong home
Now I know

- LynnAA
We see heaven as we dance it.

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2014
She turned in a circle around herself
And her skirt flew everywhere
Revealing imperfect thighs

She was moved by the music
She danced and danced
Not caring about any pair of eyes
Laying on her blemished body curves

And he was gladly looking at her
This time he didn't care about her bare thighs
Because in the way she danced
She exposed her **** soul

But then again
What beautiful thighs
He thought

And then
She collapsed on his lap.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
The waves found the shore, at last.
Poseidon laid a kiss on my heart and went to rest and I took a walk down the shore, singing him a lullaby, wearing Rhodus' dress.
The sand is soft and warm.
Terpischore found my arm and invited me to dance with her the dance of survival. We were stepping in the water, splashing our skin and laughing so loudly, so happily, that Poseidon smiled in his sleep.
The sand lured me again. I laid on it and felt the salt drying upon my skin under the warmth of Helios.
The sound of the waves soothed the blood in my veins.
I closed my eyes and rolled in my usual foetus pose.
Hypnos found me as the sea softly landed on the shore to cover me up.

- LynnAA
The sea is a happy place.

Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2016
Flowers don't hurt.
Flowers are soft and elegant.
They are wild and rare.
They're delicate and addictive.

Flowers fill your heart and tickle your nostrils.
Flowers heal your pain and feed your love.

I'm holding a flower right to your heart.
Breathe in.
Let the petals caress your nose.
Let your eyelashes hold the petals.
Let your skin feel it.
Close your eyes and feel.
The flower resonates with your heart.

Flowers don't hurt.
And I'm giving you my flower.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2017
All that people have left are memories....
On Facebook.

- LynnAA
Living in ones and zeros

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2014
She was wearing a long black dress
That revealed her delicate back
She had her hair in a ballerina like bun
Her luscious lips were red
Her lashes tall and dark
And her hazel eyes darkened with a touch of blackness.

He stood behind her
His eyes following her spine
Her skin looked delicate
She turned around
Her dress fell off
He approached her
He kissed her lusciousness
Caressed her indeed soft skin
He devoured her neck
He discovered her depth
Going into the wildness and out of it
Into the wildness and out of it
She let go of a breath
That caressed his neck
Like a sweet breeze.

As a breeze went by
She felt eyes ******* her
She turned around
He looked like a feline
Wild but beautiful
She looked him right in the eyes
Inviting herself into his wildness
But he could not approach
For lack of courage
She turns and walks away
Leaving the uncertainty of her softness
Lingering in his feral beauty.

- LynnAA
Listening to the first 3 minutes of Chopin's Ballade No. 4, Op. 52 on replay as an inspiration.
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2017
Sometimes I just don't know who you were or what holes of my memory should I fill you in.
It irritates my skin and scratches my throat.
How much did I love you for you to be this absent, to be ghost-like, almost flesh and bones that never were.
Yes, I'm grieving inside, but I love you even if I can't remember you.

- LynnAA
I miss you.

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2016
Sur le bout de mes orteilles, je sautille au-dessus des écumes de l'océan
Ça sent le jasmin et les amandes
Le soleil effleure mes veines et l'eau salée éclabousse ma peau


On the tip of my toes, I hop above the foams in the ocean
It smells like jasmine and almonds
The sun skims my veins and the salty water splashes my skin

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2017
... I'd like to stay up till the sun rises, doing nothing and everything, being nowhere and everywhere but I can't, because who I am not forces me back home.

- LynnAA
Glimpse of who I am.

Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2015
I walked in our house
And for the first time
In my entire life
Did I hear her whistle.

I stood there.
And pictures of my boyhood
Reminisced in my head.
And I heard myself whistling.
I heard my 9 year old self
Whistling his way
To silence.

I remember the rain
And the door slightly open
Inviting me in
Leading my childhood
To its verge.

I remember them.
A Man and a Woman.
His flesh on her flesh.
Her lips on his neck.
His fingers on her thigh.
Her leg around his waist.

And I remember my mouth
Rounded with silence
As if they stole my whistle
To make out of it
Their melody.

And I never whistled again.

And she stood there
As if my childhood memory
Had silenced her too.
She was beautiful
In her light yellow sundress
She looked even more beautiful
When she approached me
And touched my neck
To move my shirt aside.

She started to whistle again
Leaving little kisses
On my neck
Like little birds
Not caught but visiting - me
And bringing me back
The 9 year old boy
That I was.

Inspired by Mary Oliver's, The Whistler
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2014
She walked in
And every
Unit of
Time and space
Became a
Of his

He looked
At her
Wide open
Studying the
To form
Every single
Into another.

She was
And rebuilt
And he
Saw it
With eyes
Wide open.

Inspiration, don't let me down often.
Lynn Al-Abiad Dec 2016
Demi-plié. Tendu.
Relevé. Passé. Développé.
Souplesse. Cambré.
All day. Everyday.
Until I step on stage and get blinded by par lights.
Until my tutu twirls and my pointe shoes die.
Until I do my reverence and hear the audience clap.
Everything can be taken away from me
Except for my body covered in a leotard.

- LynnAA
Dreams can come true. Always.


— The End —