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Ardent Bowel Dec 2012
Darkness gorges on lutescent light,

Deep sapphire water and sage woods encircle.

Lush sylvan vegetation coughs angelically,

Sprinkling aurulent dust upon moss and grass;

Fantasy collides and abolishes night.

Rough paper melts into bliss,

Glassy eyes wander, hopelessly, wonderfully lost;

Passionate fingers flip,

Cinnamon aroma burns nostrils,

And electrified mind lofts reality,

As eight-horned fairies lick moonlight lakes,

And vermillion hued suns burn cerulean skies.
© ardent bowel
coral cinnabar crimson carmine
cerise claret cochineal cardinal
burgundy ruby scarlet vermillion

apricot amber carnelian topaz
nascarat saffron jacinthe tangerine

flavescent lutescent xanthic citrine
jessamy ictericious ochre meline

vivid viridian olivaceous teal
zinnober porraceous and eau de nil
caeisous virescent cyaneous corbeau
celeste celadon pavonated azuline

cobalt peacock prussian pthalo
saffirine aegean denim blue

amaranthine amethyst violaceous plum
heliotrope purple violet mauve
ianthine porphyrous lilac lavender too

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