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jennifersol May 2015
The future is blinding me
I'm lost in a space of bliss
and falsity
It could be something by which we all are led
or does it inhabit only my head?

Or maybe it's real
something planted to test it's appeal
for Miliband to prove his great pledge:
That school leavers are struggling in this big wide world
something to give him the edge.

Or for Clegg,
millions of pounds for the looneys in Bedlam?
he'd have to beg! But use it on us, boost the statistics
he'll get more votes for the kids gone ballistic.

Or maybe it's our parents as Larkin said,
In the genes they passed down or
the time they sent us to bed
"we never had all these choices"
they say. They really wish our lives to be better,
but how should the modern mind handle such pressure?

And oh the irony
that God and his threat has faced such scrutiny
but even now
in thinking finitely,
we still have brutally
created hell, right here
an earthly community.
Ryan O'Leary Oct 2018
The nightmares have begun
but more than that, a reality
has come to support what is
my greatest fear, which is, the
conscription of an obligated
necessity that compels me to
go home, where I suspect my
past demons are preparing a
subterfuge for a repetition of
the unbearable likeness of
Bweeng, close to the Monkey's
Bridge en route to Nad which
is the Cuckoo's Nest of the area.
Down in the village, dare I go
and break my sobriety in the
Embassy for troubled minds
seeking refuge from repressive
attitudes that pervaded the land
when I left half a century ago?
I think I will, must, because I
may well need an anaesthetic to
cope, so where else. Looneys Pub!
My name is Ryan and I'm an
alcoholic, I have been clean &
sober for 18 years, but I'm going
back to Ireland after an exile of
close to 50 years. A clove of garlic
nor a crucifix can't protect me from
***** Sean's who are going to be
there waiting for me. But my sponsor
said, Feel the Pain but do it anyway.

— The End —