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Henry Yarbrough Jun 2013
Oh ,tyrant king of Babylon
Have you come by any sense
Who wages war on sons of Zion
With inadequate air defense

Toy soldiers of the eagle
Will come as dogs of war
Their guise being benevolence
Their true gift blood and gore

So it seems your problem is oil
Not consummation of lnnocence
Go plant your people in thirsty soil
Then propagandize self defense

For you are the beast of Baghdad
Your very seed affronts Mann and his kind
Another  American jackal  gone bad
And oh, what a jackal did we find

Now we sit glued to a TV set
Watching the towers crumble and fall
When sleeping with despots ya get what you get
Just part of the cost when america stands tall. Hy
Henry Yarbrough May 2013
Your name creator
Benovolence defined
Lord of reason n lite
Proud servents of god
Destroyer's unkind
Oh,how we live for the fight
Want is nothing
When need is all
By,wrath of zeleots
All is undone
Trappings of power
At  their beck n call
A stone,to a sword,then a gun
Darkness is coming
Mann has lost his way
A truth con sealed
As good as a lie
Who is to say
Bear witness
Watch lnnocence die
How can the sun rise
On such misery
Blood words are promised
For all that's been done
When arrogance becomes
A weapon for me
Then we shall see
Who has won.             Hy
Henry Yarbrough May 2013
See dafur and rage
Children's lifeblood
Wooden stakes
We live the killing age
Washed in evil men's  mistakes
Forgive us blood of lnnocence
Yet again we turn a blind eye
But of the tyrant king in Babylon
Devoid of any sence
For  his oil we burned the sky
I know what's right, what is wrong
Will never be setteled
In lyric or song
I have known this
All dark long
Go  bear witness dafur
And be undone.      Hy

— The End —