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The voice Nov 2012
Your eyes are dark
They have a sparkle
They can see something in me
Something that cqn help discover

Feelings hidden
So no one gets hurt
Feeling so no one laughs
So no one throws them away
Feelings that are hidden
From everyone
So that you never know

A smile that can melt you away
It can change my day
One so pure and honest
That it can make a difference
One smile that can bring my heart to stop beating
A smile that is long lasting
And makes me fall deeper into
This hidden love

That are softer and as delicate
As a blowing wind
So gentle capable
Of curing my scars
Hands that can hold mine
As I fall
Grabing me so tight next to your heart
While i litsen to the beautiful melody
Of life

In this hidden love
A love so shy
It could almost die
With the fear of being caught
A love so timid
It rather stay with a low profile
A love that can't stand up
A love that is not strong enough
To get rejected
That it decides to stay hidden

Behind the air
And alone with its self
Hidden so that it does not hurt
When you see another
Or when your lips touch others
And even when you hands
Hold other hands tight

It is better not see
You dont win
You can loose either
The voice Nov 2012
There are things I have done
There are things I have provoked
There are things I have said
There are things I have thought

Things I have done

I have been selfish
I have been mad
I have done mistakes
I have done new things

I have done bad
I have done good
I have been wrong
I have been right

Things I have said

I have said lies
I have said truth
I have said hope
I have said no

I have said hello
I have said goodbie
I have said litsen
I have said do not listen

I have said life
I have said death
I have spoken
I have said what I had to say
Sarthak Dash Nov 2018
Every morning he'd come and sit beside me,
A beautiful little thing,
Dancing and singing,
His small lips glued to a flute,
As if in admiration of life itself.

Sometimes he'd talk to me
In a language I couldn't comprehend,
And I'd litsen -
I'd litsen to his eyes,
Trying to get a glimpse of the universe that lay beyond childish mischiefs,
Of a power too vast to be trapped within mother's ropes.

I watched him leave,
His grief shadowed by purpose,
A smile shrouding his conflicts.
Confusion, pain, longing,
He was prepared for love,
Attachment came without warning.
That evening, he sat beside me and cried.
Just like the child he was.

It was autumn when he left,
And the last of my leaf fell with him.

— The End —