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Michael ayodeji Mar 2018

What  use is of a sound?
Which fails to marry the dancer step
What good is of a song
Which does not appeal to the ear
What good is a sermon
Which does not remind man of empyrean

A singer is as good as his song
A preacher is as good as his sermon
But what good use is both him and his handwork
When they are egregious
With no iota of morality

Sermon that is mendacious
Therefore, preach me no more your sermon of insanity
Because when you preach it
I see lugubrious faces of men of my race
Because when you preach it
I see deluge of blood of slaughtered men of my nation
Because when you preach it
I hear the wailing of the native of the street

Preach me not the sermon of democracy
Also when you ring the gingle of your sermon into my hearing
The death of justice and truth
Rings in chambers of my mind

Preach me not the sermon of democracy
When it is kakistocracy
Preach me not the sermon of bravery
When they are never seen

Preacher man
Preach me not your sermon
Until it is innoxious

Ayodeji Lawson lawmyk
Michael ayodeji Mar 2018
The Thunder stuck
Pillars got hurt
Dreams got blunt
Wishes ceased to come
The fire started
The house got burnt
The fire sang the lullaby
The flames danced to it, the steps of ballet
Suddenly, it changed
The skin of our aged wall
What is this again?
A strange boot broke the door latch
"Who is there?"we asked,
A dumb being answered
in a primitive language
"Who are you?"
This was my question
But hard knocks gave me answers
Bad thoughts ran into my skull
But I ward them off with a slap
"It's not my turn"I said,
Spirits dying
Hands trembled
Words remained unvoiced
Actions ceased to be done
Leaves remained impotent
Strong men hid under their women
At the sight of  the beings
Who are not humans
They are around
Those two legged rodents
Who disturbs our farms
with their four legged wards
Those who defiled
Our old lady
Sons of Eli
The Elder brother driving the nay-tion's truck
The younger one planting nails on its routes
They have traded
their one plank flocking bridge
With the American deadly sticks
They let out a boom
On an innocent soul
He raised a hand as if to bless
He immediately dropped it violently
and let his eyes  Opened
The man died!
The earth refused to accommodate us
It protest
When the diggers kisses it
We wept
Our tears flows to the stream
And it rejects them swiftly
And the dirge turns to our anthem
Our ancestors clasp their hands
And watch us die
A major fragment of the globe is dying
They just committed a genocide
Ayodeji Lawson lawmyk
Michael ayodeji Mar 2018

.The mustard seed
Fell on the thorny part
It found it death

.The winter marƙed its funeral
The summer
markeɗ it resurrection
Now green has becomes it hue

.The amorphous unrefined pebble
Has wiggled leisurely
To the workroom of the goldsmith
He has made
the iron passed it's aggression on it
And it ***** ***** has turned golden

.The one quarter of the talent
Has found its way
to the care of a productive servant
Riches has he made from a little talent

.Green has it becomes
The mustard seed of talent
Golden has it become
The amorphous pebble Of divine gift
Riches has he made
From the little talent

Ayodeji Lawson lawmyk
Michael ayodeji Apr 2018

With your sticks
You cook the beat of rationality
Your omele,a preacher
It's preaches sanity into an insane world
Obviously you are heavenly endowed

Tell sango,to come see
The sticks which heat Kindle his flames
The beats that lure him into dancing

Mysterious drummer
Even the deaf sway to your rhythm
The lane raise hands
To stop the quarrel between
Your sticks

You drummer of life
Play your beat
So I can tap the foot of my conscience
Hit your drums
For the dry bones to rise

sticks of rationality
Beats of sanity

Are what Eledumare
Has endowed you with
My village drummer boy.

#TheRadicalThespian __

Michael ayodeji Mar 2018
Man of no race
Beast of no forest
Animal of no species

In the middle of the day
Serves as man's saviour
Always dotting,nursing man's wound
But at the darkess hour
As vampires , ******* on man's blood
Is that your appetizer?

Man rest for him not to die
Only for him to wake up and see...
Blood...A deluge of blood
Flowing beneath him
And this marks his journey to the great beyond
Beast of no nation
Man of no birth
Turns the nation into a bogaboo
Streets flowing with blood not waters
The earth dance in agony
Whenever the digger hits it
It is the entry of another innocent soul

Pots filled with man flesh
Hands as breakfast, feet's as lunch,
Dinner Comes with blood
Coffin as dinning table
Is that what you need to quench your hunger?

Man of no race
Beast of no forest
Animal of no species
Homeless beast

Ayodeji Lawson LAWMYK
Michael ayodeji Mar 2018
My eyes have seen mysteries
Of two legged goats and dogs
Donning ironed and fitted suits
My ears have heard words
That are harmful to them
Of an impotent father
Who sired a son, on his death bed

I have seen a man
Who claims to celibate
But at dark hours rushes to a motel
I have seen him
Standing on the alter in liturgies
With blazers as shirt
Divination bead as jewelry

I have seen a hierophant
within the shortest period of 9 months
Plants a bomb in a younger generation womb
I have heard him after his ferocious deeds
Calling the devil an artisan
Saying "its the devil's hand work"
He also call a saviour
Which is strange to him but known to us

Should we taunt him?
Should we thrash him?
Not yet let's wait till amagedon..

The man on the alter Has no piety
He is the mephistophelean type
Tell him he has no room in Empyrean
HEIROPHANT... Sing us no more your tuneless jigery pokery song
He has finally failed us

Michael ayodeji Mar 2018
The defunct imprison in obscurity
Never to witness illumination again
It's gone forever

The soil's frith
Was dead
Burned, turned to embers
It's remains flew to the borderline
It's soul sent to the 6th heavens
Never to show face again
It's gone forever

The frith is an inmate of a Frith
In the abode of the mentally deranged
They fiddle with it all day
It yearn for no return

The Frith
Is a coin thrown in the ocean
Never shall it be found again


Michael ayodeji Mar 2018
Tell them they are cursed
Those impostors
Who pretends to be trouble shooters
Yet breaks the door latch for the robber

Friends of the common man
Who suffers from kleptomania
Men clad in devil's costumes

Hopes of the living dead
They are school boys
Who uses
Tins as vehicles
sticks as guns

Standing all day
Like a man waiting for his debtor
Clinging to motorists
like zombies
Hitting vehicles
Like goons
Shouting at the top of their voices
Like bus conductors
Waving their sticks
Like sport referees
Just to get the green rectangular polythene

With their perfidious divel
They turn the nation to a quagmire

Tell the men on black berets
That they are all cursed
Like a man who defiled his own blood


Michael ayodeji Mar 2018
It's Cold out here
In the snowed Street
Dead silence it's voice
Lighten with the pale yellow moon
Tossing around like a restless coin

The cyclone festive moment is here
Let it wiggle to the rhythm of jolification
As it make's the iced stones hover
like western birds Searching for prey

The sky let out a screechy cry
Tears runs down it's face
Which turned the land into a quagmire
It's Cold out here
Like the hallway of a dog's nostrils
It's Cold out here
Let no man dance unclad

Ayodeji Lawson LAWMYK

— The End —