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Satan Dec 2010
Hiélo naht úrnd dá biähn.
Hiélo naht mänd dá laht.
Ahr nast thû bath ay naäm.
Naht fînnünd elt bhar himhnänt.
Shämënün himdarhó et na.
Iy dam na hïrh hîmfëllasted  et ay.
Dránna et a naäm et mennüïnd.
Niörha ethä mat'd.*

Let the moon sing.
Let the sun dance.
Everything is beautiful tonight.
The stars are bright in the sky,
Reflected in your eyes.
Then i find you here in my heart.
More radiant than any star.
Such a blessing and miracle.
Satan Nov 2010
Iy mann mahnd dá laht...
Naht finnúnd ay dá biáhn...

Lost forever, he will never find peace.
Little horn, thorn in the flesh, the unclean.
The Eye that watches the world, The Veiled One.
Hiélo naht urñd da biánh...

Black gaping hole in souls to find.
Such a redeem in restless minds.
Reflected deep down inside.
Shamé'nuun íy thû nam baidh...

Dá Lãht....
Curses for blessings...

Dá Biáhn...
The unheard voices...

Dranna ahr finnúnd bhar tut....*

Why did you betray The Son of Man with a kiss...... Judas???

— The End —