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She is my wave,
I am her shore

He is a memory i cherish
and i fear there won´t be another
how will I meet someone
who will look at me
like he did
intense, piercing through my soul
letting me know it all
how he cherished me
how he saw beauty in flaws
how he smiled when i did
how he sighed when i moved
how he wished to touch me
how he kissed when i looked away
how he followed my moving eyes
how he listened while i talked
how he loved in all i had
how how how
for him i was a fairy
for me he was my kermit
how how how
how could it be
how could he let it slip
how could he let me go
how could he ...

Love is meant to be a

There is a deadline to every forever,
There is a hesitation in every commitment,
There is a lie in every promise,
There is a fear followed by all of them...

Life is just
a bunch of hopes,
spur of joy,
running for euphoria,
fighting harder,
looking for security
essence lies in
Beautiful sadness

it's a walk
in a long dark tunnel
it's a journey
of the unseen
it's a lesson
to learn to let go
it's we need to learn
to let it flow

Silence is blind
Silence is deaf
dark and scary
just a long tunnel
with no light in the end
longer you resist
longer you suffer
deeper it sits within
light appears
Silence becomes noisy
Silence becomes beautiful
a bunch of sounds within without
world is filled with colors
strangers become unsaid stories
world is like a walking movie
heart prevails as a narrator
Silence is just Silence
not dark but bright

She knew it
But she was scared to say it loud
She knew it was love
But she couldn't do it
She knew it will ruin her
But she couldn't help it at all
She knew it was too late
But she could just hope for it
She tried fighting it
But in the darkness of night,
It wrapped her like a blanket
She loved letting herself loose
But she kept drowning
She wanted to walk away
But day or night she couldn't hide from it at all
She kept dreaming
But day dreaming was it at all

I wonder
what is with falling in love
with a burning fire
we run,
with a burning desire
we chase,
till the fire starts fading away
while one has fallen
and other still holds the power
and Nightmare begins,
Runner starts chasing,
Chaser starts running,
Maybe we don't fall in love
Maybe we are running a marathon
With a name of Love
With a race in a circle
With just a motion
a motion of back n forth

The time we met
you were bright and right
like the love I believe in and I deserve.
May be today you are not the same
I still believe in the love I had found.

I was so drunk on you
I was in love with you
I drank on you
Every single day,
from morning till night

I was so drunk on you
I couldn't let you go
I couldn't set you free
I wanted to put a leash on you
but I was so drunk on you

I wanted more,
I tried drinking more
But you pushed me away
and i was so drunk on you

Today, i act sober
like it is all okay
like we are still in love
but it is intoxicating to me
and am so drunk on you

But now i am nothing but ruins
and i am angry with you
and i blame you
and i want to run away from you
but i am so DRUNK on you

Heart is the key to all
a key to hope
a key to dream
a key to love
a key to courage
a key to all
it needs a key on its own

He was not the stars
I wished upon,
He was the moon
I couldn't take my eyes off.

There will be times
when people will come
and bring you to heaven
Faster they come,
higher their flames of love are,
and faster they burn out.
Faster they burn,
higher will be the pain
and longer will be healing.
Demons were Angels once

I know you do, i know you love me, trust me i do...
You love me enough to let me rot,
You love me enough to judge me,
You love me enough to let me drown in my darkness,
You love me enough to leave me while i take death´s
hand in mine,
Don´t worry love, i know you do,
i know you love me

I loved her so much,
even my love lost the meaning.
I showed her a life through my love,
and She loved me more than i could ever.
I guess that's the beauty in loving her.

I kept looking for you
I kept waiting for you
I kept holding on to you
but you were not to be seen
with my powerless heart
I tried reaching you out
My memories were pushing me
they were like nourishment to my soul
i ran for you
but all in my head
i want to run after you
but i felt in a cage
a cage you built around me
filled with heavy words
possessive, pushy, or nagging
i kept my distance
hoping you will come back
i kept my hope
hoping it will be us
i kept falling
knowing you won´t return
and my crushed heart
kept saying no no no
it can´t be
it is us us us
how can there be any fuss
now i live with your ghost
walking with me
like my host
i wonder if it will ever go
i wonder if i will ever grow
i wonder i wonder i wonder
and then again
i hope i hope i hope
it will be us
it is us
it was us

I saw her each day
But each day she left me in awe
Her eyes had a story to tell
Like a deep ocean of pain
Like a deep ocean of secrets
Like a deep ocean holding tsunami
Her barefoot walk reflected her journey
Like those stones with sharp edges
Like those burning coal
Like those nails piercing through her
Her laughter was endless
Like a beauty hiding scars
Like an eclipse hiding moon
Like wildness hiding heart
Like an anger hiding tears
Her soul was not hidden
Her voice, her gestures, her beauty and what not
She was the soul, she was the HER
And I looked at her like I was her

When i say i love you, I am trying to say that
I have feelings for you, you are important to me,
and i am committed to you.
I might be wrong with the word love as love
is a free flowing source of energy to grow,
and i am my own love.
If you are lucky i will love you some day.

I took off from flower to flower
I enjoyed the sweet smell
You were always my favorite flower
You were like a home i always returned to

You don´t even know,
how you are wrapped in my words.
You don´t even know,
how you are entangled in my life.
You don´t even know,
how my heart still finds a way to live with you
while you don´t even exist anymore.

I wish you could see how she kept tossing around whole night,
her heart kept waking her up with a glimmer of hope,
she waited for morning to come
till it came and her hopes were burnt to ASHES.

I knew it was gonna be hard one
yet i didn't see it coming
I watched some emotional drama
knowing it will unfold my inner hurricane
yet i didn't see it coming
it starting with a tear rolling down
turning into a flood soon
i clinched my fists so hard
nails dig into the flesh with bleeding marks
my cries turned into screaming
and i tried hiding in the blanket
i still heard my screams like whistles blown in wind
i could smell my own fear
i breathed my own misery
my mind played many games
my heart ached like never before
shiver in the body
rolled up in a ball
holding tight like it's gonna fall apart
my heart was racing
my breathing was breaking
i knew it has to pass
but i knew i won´t survive it tonight
my eyes cried all out
till tiredness took over
and body went to slumber
waking up again and again
and a blink woke me up
finding him out there
was like a dream coming true
knowing it was a nightmare
not a dream i hold onto anymore
yet i let it console me
i looked in the light
again and again
till my heart paced
and there was no race
i drifted on and off
knowing it so well
tomorrow will be another night
and i will fight once again
if not i will look at light
and i will wait

My heart whispers in night
I did let you in
But it wasn't the way I wished

My heart whispers in night
I did let you be my friend
But it wasn't the way I wished

My heart whispers in night
And tears keep falling in night
And hopes keep fading away
And nothing but my whispers lay by my side

Stay closer,
You will be further
Stay further,
You will be closer

Your eyes spoke louder than your words or silence.
They are so beautifully deep and talkative,
I wonder if anybody cared to look into them.
They have been weeping through the darkness
of the lonely night.
While you could barely breathe with the heavy heart,
holding yourself so tightly in fear of falling apart.
Deep down you wondered if someone would
ever care enough, deep down you desired for
someone else to hold you for once, deep down
you kept hoping that night will pass and
you will rise again like a warrior

I don´t know who you are,
May be you know who i am,
Our journey of words goes on,
few here, few there
with no hopes, no cries
But today i sat in my corner
thinking who you are,
wondering how is your life,
wondering should i know you more,
wondering if i just enjoy what we have,
till i came to a halt
and i chose to not stall
I heard beauty is in unknown
And i never faced it
And I wana let my heart embrace it.

You came like a spring
With a touch of soft, warm sun
With a soul of white light
and you took that step
and you moved closer
you entered my territory
You were strong
and i liked it
You  were persistent
and i loved it
You were the fire
i wanted to burn in
My shields were up high
and you chose to melt them down
I was cold and you were warm
You were like a surprise
You were the moon kissing me in my darkness
You were the blanket in my cold nights
You never stopped me
You never hold me
You chose to set me free
You let this bird take her flight
But today
I know you were the love,
The love i deserve
The love i kept searching for
But we will never say it
But we will never forget it
We loved
in our own secret little world

You might have broken my heart,
But my soul will survive.
You might have broken my dreams,
But my goals will survive.

He is in my Words,
He is in my Silence

There is a deadline to every forever,
There is a hesitation in every commitment,
There is a lie in every promise,
There is a fear followed by all of them...

I did let go of my past,
my present & my future.
But my hands had sharp cuts and endless blood,
and I knew my precious hands were still
holding onto Manja of the time.
Letting go is the mere illusion
like seeing a kite flying away,
merely forgetting the existence of

If you ever gonna love me
i will be your home
i will be your nest
i will be your quest
i will be all you need
i will be the smile you wear
i will be the sweet voice you hear
I will be the sweet kisses you linger
I will be the moon on your darkest night
I will be the sun keeping you warm
I will be nothing
Girl in Love

She was the fire,
you feared to play with
She was the moon,
you looked from far away
She was the sun,
you hid away from
But remember just for you,
She is a home,
you crave for
She is the love,
you dream about
She is the sun,
for giving you warmth
She is the moon,
lighting you up in dark night
She is the ear,
you look for to hear you
She is everything you need,
She is just glittered in your fear,
She is waiting you to discover,
She is just carved in your courage.
She believed in his love to be saved,
till she drowned in that ocean of love,
She wished upon him like a star,
till she forgot how to even wish

You broke my heart
Even before you touched me
You broke my heart
Even before you changed
You broke my heart
Even before you could love me
You broke my heart
Even before you let me love you
You broke my heart
Even before you guarded it
And you broke my heart
And I let you break it

My world without you
feels like a river gone dry with all the heat.

My whispers call his name,
My heart beats to his name,
My eyes keep looking for his name,
I keep writing his name.

We all wish for happiness
We all wish for good sleep
We all wish for the peace
Above all
some of us do it
we go for it
we run for it
we work for it
Life has a different plan
Life has a different pace
Life has a different race
we race our own race
we struggle and resist
till we let it flow and go
and life race our race

You came along like a fresh breath of air, i breathed.
You fought for me like a fire, i burnt.
You treated me like dark and lonely nights, i cried.
You continue to leave like an old furniture, i stayed.

I am the bird,
he is my nest.

I loved talking to him
because he loved listening to me
I would wait for his calls
he would always call
and then
I tried talking
but he started blaming
I showed my love
and he gave me anger
I waited for his calls
and he never called
we used to fight
and now
we don't even fight
times have changed
he has changed
I am learning to change


— The End —