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sadistic human May 2013
Is our love still love if we cannot pass through thousands of miles to have one single kiss against our cold, gray, stone lips?
If I could never get to experience the feeling of
watching the burning sunset fall and hide
behind the everlasting horizon with you.
It isn't enough to hear your voice over a microphone
or seeing your face off of late night video
calls on a blinding computer screen in the pitch dark,
only your face illuminating light into the room.
I want to feel your hand hold mine
other than grasping yours from thousands
of miles away from mine.
Distance is a saddening thing,
but the worst is that I must wait years to experience
everything I've longed for from over a ridiculous computer screen.
JT Jul 2013
Many things created by the God
We trust
Many things we hate by the God
We love
Many things stolen from the God
We receive
Many things we regret of the God
Who forgets
The one who made us said we
Were made in His image
Why do we
work against him?


— The End —