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Lynsey-Nova Mar 2013
I'd run away with you today
you're the only one I'd run to
I'd disappear with you away
out into the blue
Said you cant take it
anymore just want to
walk right out the door
I'd follow you anywhere
all you have to do is take me
I'd run away
I'd run away with you

For my JLC I will always run with you
JLC Eternity Mar 2017
Come take me away
In your boat, on the Bay,
Where the moonlight reflections play hide and seek.

You row as I gaze
Through the summer night's haze,
At your eyes that to my beating heart speak.

Slowly we dock
Then we climb up on the rock,
To lose ourselves in worlds of dreams and serenity.

I love you my Peter
Your love becomes sweeter
With each day that breaks new for you and me.

JLC Eternity Mar 2017
The Long Trek Home

Your sweet lips like fuel,
Applied to my teenage neck,
Reminds me of the long trek,
Back to my remote boarding school.

Your refreshing mannor so kind,
I painted you **** over and over in my teenage mind,
Remember that time and place?
I cherish it more than the immaculate grace.

Thinking of you and that wonderful time and place.

Jamie L Cantore Feb 2017
My dear darlings! My dreamers!
O flawless ones, a Poetess each
Are you all methinks straightway!
And much do your hearts reach
Mine own, a heart growing wider
And wider with each Poem ye bless
Me with in the night before I find
Rest in words so lovely, that my own
Fail to do justice to what it is I feel
I wish to express in this humble
Thank you! to you all, my darlings...
My dreamers... Each a lovely Poetess.

Mein Liebe zu dir -JLC
JLC Eternity Feb 2017
The awaited moment!
An empty beach but for the desire of marrying nature with nature,
unrestricted, unconfined, sure.

Cold water screams, laughter abounds,
the thrill encapsulated by such sounds.
Nature on nature, no separating thing,
Like love on love that has taken wing.

Jamie L Cantore Feb 2016
Mein Schatz, Mein Traumer... O Einwandfrei sie sind! Liebe mich heute, und sehen sie mich bluhen hart wieder und wieder bis in die Nacht schliebt in. Mein Liebe zu dir -JLC
JLC Eternity Jan 2017
In the storm of life, my dear,
we are thrown about.
Many times we pass too near
and so we doubt
what is secure,
to hold for life
we pass, unsure.

Suddenly, we find ourselves adrift, alone,
the ship now gone.
Struggling to reach the shore,
familiar ground,
to fear no more.

The storm is long, the night is cold,
And then, a warm hand grabs hold.
And though too near, we had passed it by,
Its sturdy bow with oars held high,
It was with us all along you see,
For our life boat is your love for me.

Jenni Dec 2014
Like a book, you can open me up and try to read me. But only one who truly invests in studying my pages can get to the sole purpose of my meaning. The meanings that mold me and create my spirit. Only then can one begin to understand. To all others I am the book that causes you to skim and run your fingers thru the words rather than truly seeing the words for what they are. Depth and explanations. Do not try to read me, you will not understand.
I wrote this about myself tonight. :)
JLC Eternity Mar 2017
A good night kiss,
He asked it so,
A seed of love was planted.
In fertile ground,
Midst passion's night,
Childhood now abandoned.

Let dreams run wild,
Like vines will climb,
The pulse of hearts are beating.
Yet hold your hopes,
T'was just by chance,
This seed, too new, not yielding.

But there it stayed,
A hidden jewel,
This precious seedling waiting.
The night now tender,
But ground still fertile,
Its love flowers unabating.

JLC Eternity Feb 2017
A glow of light that I spied from afar,
shimmering and floating on waves like a star.
A flickering light as if weary from strain,
remained steady, only waiting to be found again.

An unlikely explorer, I was lost in a brume
of living a life of roles I'd assumed.
In search of what would give meaning to my whole,
to a life that became untethered to its soul.

My rowing now purposeful, I decided to go
to this light I saw emanating from depths below.
As my eyes met the water through waves and brume,
the light took form, a shape it assumed.

With wonder and joy, I peered over my oar,
it was a heart of gold on the ocean floor!
So solid and pure, this wondrous find,
I dived in to the ocean and now it is mine.

This beautiful heart that lay deep in the clay,
Its light, it gets brighter with each passing day.
For the care and nurturing of this heart of gold
Is the binding that tethers my life to my soul.

JLC Eternity Feb 2017
I knew a boy
once in a dream,
shy and lanky
was all that he seemed.

But what from afar
was known as appeared,
When he approached
All lines disappeared.

For eyes were not the needed tool
as the lines blurred to the words he said.
To know this boy was to listen and feel -
his heart was the chisel to the thoughts in his head!

And the secret that
once in a dream
was learned,
I kept hidden til needed
when then
'twas confirmed.

JLC Eternity Feb 2017
Who would have known
The love it was to be,
That apple picked from the first tree.
So tempting it was
But not for yet.
The fruit will ripen as sun will set
Upon our love
Our love will rise
A brand new day,
The fruit will ripen
Our hearts today.

JLC Eternity Feb 2017
In that moment on a hill
Your nature was revealed,
For unlike no other
You dared to bother,
To listen, to share
To inquire, to care.

A lonely girl, her emotions bared,
You approached and were not scared
To stand out from the crowd
From the common herd,
To shine your smile and give a kind word.

You who acted and would take a stand
Possesses that quality that defines a man.
For to empathize is no ordinary task
As is to give of yourself without being asked.

Mediocre and ordinary, you cannot say,
About you who would jump into the fray
For a simple gesture or to take up a sword,
With the knowledge that gratitude would be your only reward.

JLC Eternity May 2017
I must go down to the seas again,
To the arms of my beloved,
His hand to hold upon the knoll,
His sweet smile I do covet.

And all I ask is his voice to hear,
Of stories left unsaid,
The blue of his eyes to touch my heart,
His shoulder to rest my head.

JLC Eternity Mar 2017
Flowers bloom by nature,
They do not choose,
To give to the bee their fruit.

Like my heart,
It's untamed will holds sway,
With deliberate actions left astray.

No reins to hold to guide this will,
Its passions running wild.
Delight in the senses,
Stay fearless my dear,
The path our love will guide.

JLC Eternity Oct 2017
Kidnap me from my current reality
and the crushed dreams of my entrepreneurial ambition.

Color me inside my soul
until my shattered existence is whole once again.

Hold me tight in your loving arms until the sun rises in the next millennium.

For I love you from the furtherest depth of my heart my dear JLC.
JLC Eternity Oct 2017
I long for your smile,
for the happiness in your eyes,
for your laughter which caresses
My heart deep inside.

I long for your lips
first tenderly on my cheeks,
then moving to my mouth
as only our bodies start to speak.

I long for the passion
When your body’s next to mine,
The intimate unity
For which our souls pine.

I long for you,
Simply you, with your love so sweet,
For to be in your presence
My soul feels complete.

JLC Eternity Nov 2017
Dear Sweet JLC,

While I wait for you I walk alone. Please close your eyes and listen...

... YOU were the lovely vision planted in my mind while I was sleeping...

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence
In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp
When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light
That split the night
And touched the sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence
Fools, said I, you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you”
But my words like silent raindrops fell
And echoed in the wells of silence
And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said “The words of the prophets
Are written on subway walls
And tenement halls
And whispered in the sounds of silence.


JLC Eternity Mar 2018
My dear sweet JLC,

The reasons why I love you with all my heart include these truths:

1) You are the sweetest person I have ever met,

2) You are the kindest person I have ever encountered,

3) You radiate the most exotic beauty I have ever seen,

4) Your embrace brings warmth to my soul,

5) Your smile melts my heart,

6) The twinkle in your brown eyes stirs the deepest depths of my *****,

7) Your laughter is contagious,

8) Your sincere and fun-loving personality places me at ease,

9) Your intellectual mind puts me in awe,

10) Your strength inspires me,

11) The softness of your ******* tantalize the very fabric of my imagination, and

12) Your presence illuminates me.

Please remember, I will love you always with all my heart.

JLC Eternity Oct 2017
If my desire to be with you now was the wind,
it would be so intense that it would sail me across the Atlantic and wash me into your arms.

If my thoughts of you were steps,
there would be so many that they would extend me across great distances into your warm embrace.

If my love for you were a wave,
it would be so strong and powerful the crest would sweep me across the ocean into your celestial shores.

And if our dreams could speak to us,
they would tell us about the wonderful moments we will share from now until the end of eternity.


— The End —