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starshinelove Aug 2013
Who am I? Who are you? Who are they? who is whom? Whom is who?
We ALL belong in this great sphere of mystery.
Though, sometimes it fools us into believing it has spun off of its axis.
They, Us, Them, You, I...we.
We grasp, clutch onto what is in our reach in order to recieve a somewhat of an understanding of this not so little deal we call life.
We turn our heads from that in which we fear, We listen to what we indeed hear, We believe what our souls and hearts urge us to believe.
You and I, Us and We, They and them, Whom and so on... we are all the same, searching for answers, why, where, what, when,how , who?
We all differ in appearance, in our beliefs and in our fears.
We all interperate differently love and hate, ware and peace.
Fallen tears, hearty laughs and horrible fears, Mis-spelt words and honest mistakes. All these balance out what we conceive to be unbalancable,
They, us them you I we, We are all so focused on asking, why, where when what how who, we seem to have ignored the answer... Human.
We are all trying to grasp on to one thing... yet we seem to have forgotten to grasp onto eachother.
Love is what keeps the world spinning, but our oh so similar differences is what keeps it balanced.
They, Us, Them, You, I,
we are love, we are different, we are fear, we are truth, we are faulted , we are human
tomkrutilla Jan 2013
only in the quiet, when darkness creeps in on me
can i truly reflect, and let my mind wander so free
thoughts that come to me at the speed of light
so siffting through them is a peerless plight

each one tempting, saying, pick me, pick me
so i navigate the ones i truly beleave
and i try to put them in a coherant phrase
and trust in you to interperate your way

for these are not truthts or lies i spew on this page
only a starting point in hopes you'll engage
so there, i have given you everything you request
so its your turn to tell me, or forever let it rest
mike Jul 2015
observe with eye
see with soul
heal with hand
touch with love
love with mind
think with heart
feel with empathy
learn with emotion
interperate with consciousness
teach with compassion

— The End —