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Slober knocked back to a cadence measure.
Turning in tune with the illusion of leisure.
Stand at fault, holding the gun.
Cryptic followings at the point of a pun.
Deny and defile the logic of man.
Floating backwards catching a cancerous tan.
Indescency accepted as common form
The policies for which are quick to swarm.
Holdings in life, seem to diminish.
Removed suddenly of their veenered finish.
Left aside as needless want
A proxy value for those too gaunt.
Picked up again by mimicing lepers,
Balling their eyes out as communication severs.
Catching a reflection in the glint of an eye.
Turning quickly, as not to pry.
Beholden, clearly, to a bare ideal.
Something tangible to which one would kneel.
Beckoned forth in a fleeting glimpse.
The man has not been heard from since.
Jeanne wegner Jan 2018
Cities of crime, hate, inequality, and poverty
Leaders of inexplicable indescency, fighting for the lost cause of war and hate, monopolizing the nation. Money is everything, we are nothing
Gray skies, smog, with its putrid scent rotting the Earth one broken treaty at a time
Tears, falling from my eyes as I watch such beauty dissipate in flames.
Our actions have consequences
Our faults will be our fate
And our worst nightmares will soon be reality

— The End —