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Paul Pane Grimm Jun 2012
What a surprise...
Still sat here, with shatterd lines...

If only...
When I awoke...
The world could just explode...
Leave me to feel free, for once in my life...

No incandesent feeling, remose or smile...
As you all tell me how hard your lifes are, I squwerm with anguish.
I cry out "******* let me get on with it."

I will not be still...
I will not take shelter...
Because lifes to short, helterscelter...
Friends are needed...
Laughs requierd...

For heavens sake just retire...
So the young can improve, grow and aspire..

You who hold us down, saying "Your hopless go smoke some thing."

Is that what you desire...
Because when your old torn and tattard,
It will be me feeding you,
washing you down.
For this is the eighth time you have soild yourself today...
No more. No more...

For tomorrow is another day,
for you to point the finger and say

Your useless and ******,
go back to robbing homes
And leave these jobs to the bracket Grown'ups close bracket...
Feeler Sep 2014
Even in the dark I can see you smile
warm against my eyelids.

It smells faintly of change in this city
with its need to keep up.
I miss the slow growth and the comfort in being "that" place.
The place you go to shake off the dust,
the place where boulders roll off your shoulders
and incandesent happiness is achievable.

The storms here get worse every year
and I think the lightening is a gift from God.
A reminder that even in the midst of the bleak greys of life
we can always choose to harness our energy and break through the mundane.
It smells of wet earth and asphalt rivers.
Mud stained cars and rain stained umbrellas
I walk, hair dripping at the ends embracing the storms of God.

Even in the dark...
Your light has caught me on fire,
chosen to release me from my prison
a lifetime of desperation.
I feel my own smile, just as yours,
Even in the dark.
Possible mispelling. Rough is better. Going without an edit.

— The End —