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Q Nov 2013
My love
We will depart

Dear one
Let us be

It is time
Let us not

We will leave
Before we see the

Child, it is
Almost time to

You are more
Pure than fallen

Do not fret
Departure is a

My love
Go to sleep and close your eyes,
and dream of broken butterflies,
who tore their wings against a thorn.
You know the pain that they've endured.
Dream of blood trickling down,
and wake up before you drown.
Silver metal shine so bright.
Scarlet blood that feels so right.
The moon light shining off your tears,
as you bleed out your worst fears.
In that night you start to cry,
and whisper The Cutters Lullaby.

"Hushaby baby,
you're almost dead.
You don't have a pulse,
and your pillow is red.
Dreamaby baby,
you never knew life would be this hard.
It's time to face the pain you've hid so well,
and down you'll come baby,
straight back from Hell."
Kamini Mar 2010
Her spirit was lost
when I was born,
torn from her heart.

Start, from the
beginning, singing,
no lullaby for
this new born.

Cry baby, cry as
her spirit did die,
she fled, bled, dead.

Alive in body
lightening sent to
her brain drained
what fire was left.

Bereft this child
still cries in the dark,
hark! Where is the
Lullaby, hushaby,
For this new born?
Lull me sleep,
You shadowy hushaby.
Cradle me in the cold.
Stroke my hair, whispers.

Sing to me,
Dark cloud,
Lay me down,
To rest, its coming.

Play for me,
Sweet devil,
Burdens, have their chains.
In time, you tell.

Suffer no more,
My children.
Be at one with the earth.
Down deep, it's gone.
Donall Dempsey May 2015
The tree
naked now

its leaves
lost long long ago

but newly dressed
in sweets and fruits

oranges and candy apples
cluster from branch to branch

peppermint canes and liquorice sticks
sugar mice both pink and white

delicately hang
from invisible thread

you tottering towards
this magical tree

disbelieving what
you see.

"It's like living in
a fairy story!"

"Strange it is
the only time it's ever done that!"

I say gobsmacked

"It only does that once
in a hundred years!"

I inform her.


Back in bed
her crop of sweets

safely harvested.

Her big big Panda
guarding the horde.

I shush her to sleep

Remove a jelly baby
from a sticky curl.

I kiss her
sweet smile.

Her unwilling eyes

Dolly's eyes
still wide with astonishment.

Panda  still on guard
eyeing me warily.

Her dreams flickering
behind eyelids.

— The End —