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Love is filled with passion and faith .
Love is a strong emotion that cant be replaced with any type of other feeling.
Love is found deep within thw blood line of the heart .
Love is not givin to us humans by the love cupid wanna be angel nor given to us when we deseire to have it either.
Love isnt a thought that is made by the mind of a human being .

Love is a chemistry base that doesnt always make sense or looks like it could be the perfect match...
Love is made between two beautiful different souls without hestation.
Love is build apon trust and loyality as well..
Love urself first in order to recieve any type of love by anyone else ....

Love  should never be questioned about.
Love is a desire by every heart that beats in this world..
Love is so hard to find but when you are least expecting to find love it comes finds you deeply.
My love poem speaks about my personal experiences and personal feelings threw me finding the different loves i need
to be me as a strong person today.
Please feel free to message below my poem with ur coments or inbox me... Thank you in advance...

— The End —