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J Oct 2017
in prime position,
I remenice of,
A day when,
I could just ... Get on with it.
Simply a dream.
But I'm inspired
To keep on fighting.
Till I'm
of ..... Better thingx.
Like ... ... ... ... ... Anything other then the last nightmares I lived with.
... ... ... ... ...
Crimson Tidex Cross my mind,
But my life is timeless,
One day ... ... ... ... ... far from now,
I'll get my chance to start.
But ... ... ... Before that happenx,
I have to tear some
worldx ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Apart.
J Aug 2017
Not much to write of anymore,
Doorx keep being slammed ......
One by one man ....... I'm a happy man,
Thix is it for life.
Just a quick ride,
Cross Roadx,
Hit by a truck .........
I'm hoping ....
Lifex better next round,
This one smacked me down.
Still unsure,
What for.
**** hey.
Not my problem,
What happenx in my kidx lives,
They are gone for life.
I'm not hanging back till 65 to see if they feel like talking to me.
Therex WAY to much history.
None of it good.
All **** relationships,
Where I was the worker and house *****,
******* givex me the shitz,
These mother fuckerz wanted to play ****, think I would pay man.
**** that ..... I already owned that.
I set it FREE, thatx
what they wanted C,
But ...... Itx hard not being a one woman show.
Meh ........... Thatz how it goex.

— The End —