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Daniel Farnam Sep 2010
I am from sand.
I was born in the ocean waves.
The salty taste and smell.
The splash of the water.
I am from the beach shore,
With all its brightly colored shells.

I am from the sky,
Riding with the clouds.
Taking me to foreign lands.
Taking me to new sands.

I am from adventure and exploration,
From history and culture.
I am from the steep incline of the pyramids.
The smell and spit of the Arabian camel,
The women lost behind black cloth.
I am from mischief and “Halas.”
I am from wonder and sand.

I am from the monotony of suburban life.
I have returned to country.
To safety,
To boredom.
I am from ignorance,
I long for home.
I long for sand and water.
Helena May 2018
The Wondering Soul

The wondering soul knows no home, no land that ties to the strings of his heart until the end of time.

Like a ship in the night he passes by our shores exploring this wondrous earth and losing his breath in utter appreciation at the beauty of this world. And when he departs, it’s with just enough time to graze your heart and touch your soul but never enough for you to explore and know the inner wisdom and rawness that lie deep within those hidden waters.

Oh the wondering soul like a butterfly, catch it and drink it in, as it flirts past your sight for no one knows what he has seen before he transformed into this phenomenal sight.
He pulls you into his dance and in a split second he’s gone and as your heart laments for that wondering soul he has already passed through the looking glass to hypnotize another in his trance.

Oh the wondering soul how I wish I knew you.. how I wish I could see you like you see me and take you with me on this journey. Halas, I look hard for you and in the end all I see is my own reflection gazing back and I realize instead, it’s time I take my own soul on this adventuresome path for a wonder along with me.

— The End —