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Things may not be easy to get through right now
but they will get better

When it rains
it pours.

But when it's sunny
It's beautiful

No matter how hard it rains or
how much the sun shines,

your not in control.
But only you can choose

how it makes your days.
God may close a pathway

but there always another door.

he's the cure
say faithful

u have a heart of gold
behold there's better things to come.

just holded on
what hurts us makes us stronger!

-maded by richard reinhardt
feel free to send this to others who had family members past away.just keep my name on the bottom on it
The loss is great
lost of faith
left my life in a dark stat of mind
where sadness ,and pains remains
where everything is cold
in a life that stands bold
I always feel alone
pity lone
eyes dropping in tears alone
words from an old beathen down past
always find its way back to my mind
in memories are darken dreams
a place upon seas
Oh, how my heart grives
my body always aches
wery joints rised in me
while I am upon on kneel knees
Praying to be set free
from this darken state of mind
that has been haded down to me .

Poetic Lilly Judy Emery (c)
Darken Dreams
dania Jul 2016
gold plated, irony faded
Haded. tell me all the truth unjaded
if it's all meant to be i'd hate it

— The End —