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Morgan Hillhouse Mar 2013
Someday soon
right around the corner
I'll be waking up to start my day by you.
The alarm may go off at 6am
and I can promise I'll be tired and grogy
but engulfed in your arms embrace-
          will make me smile
and a good morning kiss-
          will make you coffee.
The day will go on, unfortunatly not all by your side
Our lives will pull us apart; work or school
But know that throughout the day,
     even if my body is not by your side...
My heart is always with you
My thoughts are always about you.
It is simply knowing that at the end of the day
     I get to come home to you and snuggle under covers-
          that will get me through my day.
We may not go to sleep right away but;
You'll be the last image I see at night
The first image I see in the morning.
Nothing could make me more happy........
                                                                           ......than you.
tom krutilla Jan 2014
she graces me with a smile each day, as if she is the dawn
awakening my heartbeat and enticing my blood to flow
her voice is like an angel, as she glides toward me
as i feel the softness of her petal arms wrap around me
a quick whisper of I love you, breezes through my ear
and with a grogy smile, I know that I am  loved

— The End —