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Damoumi Elbaki Jan 2011
You  keep following me like a shadow

And you bring with you all the things I want to forget

tears and screams,

sorrow and pain,

fear and desire.

Go away sorrow of my destiny.

Let me flee with the birds

Let me cultivate the flowers of my dream

Let me grow with the seeds of my greatnes

Let me be what I want to be.
Joy Munde Aug 2018
I just wish you sent emissaries of truth,
Because my mind would be at peace with me,
I would have a nary a qualm,
And all these glasses would not be broken,
And all these tears would not be shed,
And now these words will never be taken,
And this day will never be forgotten!

I wish I got caught up a little at work today,
Because then you and your *** would have finished business,
And i would be met by the smell of a fresh shower,
And the sound of sheets doing turns in the cleaner,
And the sight of sugar coated lies!

I wish I passed by **** me kwik,
To kiss the bottle with the boys,
Watching the waitress sway her non-existent hips,
As we rant of all the greatnes around
Of the wonders of the green mamba on riparian
Than me coming here...
To witness your sacrilege on our matrimonial bed...
And me calling out to my gone ancestors.

Today I wished to be swept off by the floods
But it's a sunny dry month
Today I wished to have been hit by a bus
And got dragged down it's wheels along the tarmac
But again it's a sleepy village here
Nothing that we wish for ever happens
Yet here I am...
Having to hear the pleasure moans you have him...
Those I always beg for each time I visit your downtown!

Now I'm wishing for more...
I wish for the rumble of an earthquake
For the earth to open up and swallow me whole
For a cactus plantation to grow upon my unmarked grave
At least with that...
The pieces of my shattered heart shall find peace
Than watching the wind blow these pieces away
The pieces you managed to make of my heart.

Rachel Gosby Dec 2023
Being honest with yourself
Trusting in who you are
Moving past your downfalls
Staying free without regrets
Forgiving those who hurt you
Celebrating your achievements
Staying motivated with each move
Rising above your enemies
Blocking out all negatively
Humbling yourself for greatnes
Being a master of your own faith
Not letting the destroyer lead you to your fate
Letting go of all your fears
Becoming more patient within
Making things happen
Working hard for your goals
Staying positive
Learning how to love again
Making new memories
Learning to love yourself once again
Letting the sun shine through
Unlocking yourself from all evil spirits
Freeing your soul
Exploring the world with new eyes
Walking past all your haters
Singing new songs along with the birds
Crossing the bridge to see what you may find
Finding inspiration throughout the day
Standing up and fighting against all odds
Rebuilding a new life for yourself
Embracing the person you are
Repairing your broken heart
Learning from your mistakes
Navigating through the darkness
Expounding and growing roots deep into the earth

Just keep moving just keep doing it
Your Doing It

— The End —