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Alex Paul Nov 2013
I see all the people out there.
the one person I want most is you.
out of everyone from the universe.
all I want is you.
It may be cliche.
It may be ooshy gooshy lovey,
but its true
all I want is you.

I see your boyfriend.
he's a great kid,
and I feel good knowing he makes you happy,
but he doesnt understand
all I want is you.

Your aura lights up rooms
that would otherwise be dim
your soft brown hair blowing in the wind
reminds me of the wheat fields in the summer.
your adorable smile brightens up my bad days
and your eyes.
they're so blue and wondrous
I feel like I can see waves of an ocean.
your laugh makes me laugh.
It's too intriguing to describe.

Now after this description
you can see why I'm falling.
wouldnt you want you too?
now you can see why
all i want is you.

So heres a proposal.
When youre tired of a boyfriend
and looking for a man friend,
give me a ring on the phone.
and I might give you a ring on your finger.
Halli Ally Ellis Sep 2010
I don't know what it is,
when you come around,
that makes my heart flop upside down,
the mooshy gooshy feeling inside,
I'm weakened defenseless,
ready to hide,
in your arms is a safe place,
I don't want to leave,
or speed up the pace,
sweet, smooth, calm,
what could this be?
The feeling inside of me won't let me leave,
I crumble around you,
accepting every word you say,
the night spent together turns into day,
what could this be?
Maybe love?
      no, not me.......

— The End —