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Isaiah Caleb Mar 2016
Brave I am, an errant knight
With bold and courtly banners.
I ride untouched through many lands
In times of many manners.

My shining sword, my  glinting helm
Are well and ready-made.
I plan to make a name for me,
My strength shall never fade.

O' Lancelot, O' Beowulf,
Know not to challenge me!
For I'm a knight of great renown,
Soon better known than thee.

Achilles-King, O' Saint Sir George,
Hear well my prowess cry!
For I am young and bold, my lord,
While you were doomed to die.

I ride with shield and ready sword
through deep enchanted glen
Or else I go, defiance bared,
Through dark and gloomsome fen.

Tonight, upon a happenstance,
I faced a dragon's fire.
I charged and bore my lance to him
And he gave me a pyre.
Starlight Jul 2022
static spacial raindrops
interspersed in my gloomsome mind
listen to the press of gravity
feel the natural release
i make music of these moments
and give my best
to my weekday beast

— The End —