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eileen mcgreevy Feb 2010
She frequents here most weekend nights,*******, long kegs, freaky appetite,Her eyes scan every inch of the club,Wet ***, all hard and *****, to hell with love.She licks her lips, and warmly, her other lips respond,She sees her prey and grins at knowing this night will be long,They stroll towards her knowingly, they are the lucky ones,She straddles one, while the other mouth makes her come.Moaning ***** words, and writhing, her **** are bouncing freely,Two on one's her favourite, it makes her come so gleely,Her wet tongue finds something hard and veiny, she takes it in her mouth,Her stroking slips and slides make both guys moan and pant out loud.His ******* dangles over her, she's begging for a ****,The other's fingers enter her, she loves a finger ****,Her mouth fills up with pleasure juice, she comes onto his fingers,She licks it off, but takes her time,intent to make it linger...
Jarrel Malimban Oct 2014
Twin towers built in stone and steel,
birds fly gleely, these skyscrapers
envying men in their four-wheel
In awe they come; soon, they disperse.

The skyscrapers soon met their fall
from fullmetal birds that hit them.
Crashing, crumbling like Berlin Wall,
United they stood, now the ******.

Now, they met their last communion,
all of West weeps; I watched them weep.
There comes... a death of a union:
There comes love, now fallen asleep.

— The End —