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aegeanforest Nov 2013
One day I will be selling remedies for memories and songs for souls in my own little curiousity shop, just a turn into a corner of Greece’s small town, the bricks pure, and grander of them all is the clear blue sky that knows not boundaries; the sea filled with jewels shining like aquamarines, and I will be there, naked and sunbaked; a transcient. Only a tattoo of hope remains.

Or I will be strolling down the corridors of Paris, traipsing the Champ-Elysses, flirting with the French Patisser and receive an abundance of chocolates, my personal symbol of happiness, stuffed into my hands, and I saunter like I have the world backin’ me up, a curve on the face like no any other, flying chocolates into the air and hoping that whoever catches them will be in bliss, the pain made temporal.

I’m living in a city where poetry is considered a luxury, a place where words can never fill your stomach and love is but air which starves. I choke on the air I breathe everyday, filled with smoke, vengeance, the monday blues and friday hues, the petty complaints of ordinary civillans and insecurites about what their future will bring. What will my future bring? In school, an instituition which ought to develop but instead chains up, bringing me back to being a premature new born, just lacking the innocence of one. I write still, but of mindless formulas and definition of ‘gini coefficient’ which is futile when the gap between me and them widens every single minute, leaving me helpless and screaming, my voice sinking in the deep abyss. The moments creep. I weep now as on my bed I lie, extremely unprepared for the impending doom I will be facing, the regurgitation of memories which I have none, and a cloud of darkness looms.

Who shall dwell?
Who am i to judge
With a bottle of whiskey
No champagne to hold a grudge
These sins seem to be deadly
Am i a spirit held to my own will
By fate i asked till this date
All time for me has stand still
Fueling me with all hate

Oh bottled gini
What wish can i get from you
The young boy ask happily
Can you show me love

He rubbed the lamp
And soon his life was to be damp
With his own blood
Death seems to have open a flood
Upon this young boy
Upon this young boy
lessache May 2020
takut, takut banget.
takut enggak bisa liat mereka pisah bahkan kalau emang udah waktunya.
mau nikmatin masa-masa sekarang untuk jatuh lebih dalam lagi, tapi aku punya masa depan yang penting. nyesel baru tau mereka tahun 2018. kata orang-orang "enggak penting siapa yang ada dari awal, karena yang bertahan sampai akhir itu hebat" tapi aku juga takut, takut enggak akan bertahan sampai akhir, sampai mereka pilih jalannya masing-masing. I'm scared of leaving, farewell, it hurts. mereka bikin aku seneng, ketawa, hal-hal kecil yang mereka lakuin bisa bikin jutaan orang bahagia, they've save so many lives. mau coba lupain pelan-pelan dan bodoamatan kalo ada berita tentang mereka juga gak mungkin. gak akan pernah bisa karena ya mungkin kayak gini once in a lifetime. susah banget emang kalo udah sesayang ini sama orang, walaupun orang itu gak tau kita gimana, tapi semacam ada tali yang nyatuin perasaan satu orang ke orang lainnya, ah lebay kamu. tapi bener loh! aku ngerasa banget, mungkin aku yang udah dewasa nanti baca ini bakalan "apaan sih kok lebay, alay banget" hehehe maaf ya far. soalnya gak tau lagi mau cerita ke siapa, temen? gak ngertiin, internet friends? banyaaaaaaaak yang satu frekuensi, tapi aku gak bisa cerita ke mereka. satu-satunya ya ini. kalo mungkin nanti aku baca ini lagi entah 2025, 2030, atau bahkan 2050, inget ya kamu pernah sayaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget sama 7 orang yang jauh disana, yang setiap hari isi hari-hari kamu, jangan coba lupain deh!!! kalo bisa cari tau kabar mereka!!!!!
this is for 7 brightest stars in my life <3

— The End —