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The Macedonians in this spectral fight would spend their last efforts to reach the heart of Vernarth and Alexander the Great, to try to ****** and defeat them from their captaincies that challenged Asmodeus. The colossal figure of the converted Sapsila had a longitudinal figure from head to toe of approximately four kilometers, all the maritime lines of Leros, Lipsi, and Pireas housed him in the hemisphere of contemplation where his skeleton was more sensitive than the geographical area of Sapsila, where the Achaemenids approached the longitudinal pectoral of several kilometers in length, pointing out the effigy of an immemorial Hoplite sedimented in this region where the feet rested at the height of the southern hemisphere of the feet of the corresponding Nótos and Vóreios that corresponded to its head. The Achaemenids reached the exact diameter of Vernarth's pectoral where it had the admission of the energy of the Kassotides, the same entrance hole that it had with the elder in the Bumodos, ad portas of the Gaugamela stage. Here his exoskeleton was transfigured towards the monastery of Atros with the cognition of the Katapausis, which led him through the hiding place of his epistíthios breastplate or iron and bronze breastplate, which exemplified how it was erected after the Achaemenids dispersed over the nearby line of Skalá. , where they will arrive with the Psiloi, for the purposes of raising the phalanxes that will lift with their feet the colossal figure of the Psiloi being nothing less than an archetype of Brisehal in the desolate Dasht-e-Lut desert, being from unpopulated places of devotion that again he was emerging from the empty glow of the Profitis Ilias. The specters abounded wandering alone as if trying to grasp the last sparks of the politics that remained for them to surrender from their own unencumbered solitude. Brisehal was a mountain with a canine head similar to Anubis, but millions of times larger towards the top and acid, like the hope of regulars to enter the garden-kingdom of Heaven. Before the day trembled with the movement of his trembling mocking strides, that Brisehal was from Das-e-Ruth from Arbela shaking day and night, embodied in the body of Vernarth, like the bombast of the archaeological sedimented hoplite of the Subclavian Kabbalah demarcating the entire pedestrian propulsion dynamics in the Achaemenids by his rib when he was soaked in Samael's silica, since he had been given a superior potion to close the Vernarth pectoral hole, and which has not yet been transplanted by the Kassotides. In such a way that all his anatomy would border the anatomy of his body gigantic free from Asmodeus, and from the whole cycle of tons of breaths of the shadow that conceived sparks of Shemesh on them, to revert the potion of Asmodeus to the degree of innocuous elixir.

Consisting of the voluminous being stretched out in the midst of Gnosticism that declared the figure of its proverbial monstrosity to be erected, born from the consciousness of the sectarian origins that placed it after a being harassed by Samael for centuries and centuries being condemned to be stretched in non-clairvoyance of those who did not really love him and yes, with the great profile of venerating the sublime sky that he knows in front of his eyes looking at the sky that divides Grikos and Skalá, after it was time to get up for the purposes of the Battle of Patmia in the Seventh Heaven, from where Vernarth ran terrified by the Olympic archaeological excitement in which this buried being was, being the same one that represented the god that Saint John the Apostle had mentioned to him referring to Geburah; where all the serpents or basilisks protocolized appeals of revolt against Alehisebenech, the serpent that will transmit paths from Dash-e-Lut on all the heads of the Achaemenids, asserting the judgment of Gnosticism when they were incarnated by Geburah and lost their night vision through nocturnal curtains that this abnormal god of the mesosphere, who was trying to eradicate them from the roof of the Tabernacle of Faith, pointing out that the noble harassments became more inexorable with the counterattack for those who suffered temporarily from the stubborn blindness that this god Geburah forged, as a God who claimed the abilities of Mars to constitute the existential fear that would ultimately intimidate even the Islamist soul that resided in these involuntary beings, being a trophy of their instincts and losing the chrism of the Hoplites for the reason of filling them in the glasses of the room chalice of Elijah, even if they do not attend the Upper Room but may be judicious to exalt the glory oria that resides in the front of the colossus, who personifies the versatile power facing the left where he carried his Xiphos vehemently, trying to adulterate them towards the sword of Samael. The lights of the sea were appreciated in the bay of Skalá exhibiting the ardor of the breakers as the arrest of archangels that took cover to slide in the toppers that were expelled when the mass was finally raised, flickering from a forest of life that would protect the troops of Vernarth, expelling them of every scale that could lodge in a decapitated teacher, being able to come sooty and representing in the Muslim Iblis that he would exchange the eternal nocturnal light, in advance when the first movements of the troops were unleashed, while some were in the stillness of the bonfires. pointing out the glimpse of the Iblis that came quickly to shoot fire due to its excoriation, showing that just by looking into their eyes, the Vernarth clone judged him at more than four kilometers of elevation, causing dissension by trying to stun them. Once again the embryonic action of Alexander the Great would relapse on Vernarth, who was laborious among all the Syntagmas that were conglomerating from the Psiloi, and already on their boyar horses, infants of the Ida and the newly developed wagons of the epsilon, pretending to debate them in doubt of the Exodus. that resembled in the infinitive people that flee from the Shemesh that whipped them from their scriptural registers, on the hands of cherubs with their hands hold the reins, with the patriarchs with the twelve crowns of stars that shone as in the Nile linking with the Sea of Patmia.
Battle of Patmia  Part  II
They all approached the Colosso  from Apsila, from where the eleventh star began to make the quantum leap of conformation of twelfth aligned stars. The combat explorations in multiple routes showed the compliance of the identical Eddaphos or the sacred homeland of Patmos in the significant profile as a strategy by Eddaphs that seemed seas of prejudice and confusion of the farmhouses around which was not conquered by anyone, nor was anyone immolated. It was only the magnificence of the Colosso of Apsila that gave the saddles to empower itself from the detonation of atomic light, which was fired from Tire and Gaza on the riverside where today was the residence of Mardiath; Vernarth's lieutenant of the lights of the capital of Memphis, where he temporized areas that were worthy of an atrium of predilection to repopulate all the areas from where Persephone would sprinkle cinnabar for the Persian yokes, to compensate the Oracle of Siwa in the interstices of a god Hellenic Egyptian Zeus-Amun who would reside between his gums. When capturing the highlands and the lowlands, immediately joining the triangulation of the Beit Hamikdash temple and all the currents of the Euphrates, in the direction of Susiana where Vernarth was sitting on the gold horse, after dismounting from Alikantus, glimpsing luxuries and becoming of specters with the Manes Apsidas, congenializing before entering the Pasargada entrance parapsychology, since these succulent areas of gold managed to cross the Euphrates in parapsychology of annihilation, but when bilocating in the supply units insufficient flow, to divert the Attention from the stubborn Persians who still wanted to pursue their siege vows.

Possibilities of superior authorities remained in the infra predominance of their overexcites that encouraged them to deviate from their points of despotism to become from on high in the stream that shone by making propaganda of two ascars in the breadth of the plain, only leaving the cessation of first admission in front of Zefian and his four arrows with the Scythian Archers, in counterbalance to the contingents that were already in full risk of the target territory in the Eruv of Saint John the Apostle, which had demarcated the lines of pachyderm tracks in the frenzy of an oracle that sneaks in from teleportations of audio-sensory iconographies, discovering the mantle of Saint John where he would lead the garrison that would supply the majestic and triumphant portico of the Souls of Helleniká, taking possession of the paragon of quantum in the portico of Susa, from where shimmering looting of capital increased, helping to minorize the territories that would make it possible to aid the gates balance of the accesses of universal connection between Skalá and Susa, from where thousandths of a dorus would already begin to fly for a Macedonian king reference in the doors that would unite both geophysical zones, after attempts that make retentive in images of the struggles of the spectra to the see them, who then dissipated in advance from the cataclysm by convincing themselves of the eternal refuge where battles that had taken place between two rogues prevailed that never had to confront a conjured and assassinated sovereign, after an attempt to rebel in the Battle of Patmia, unable to avoid the recognition of a Satrap like Bessos like the horror of Artaxerxes.

All had been thrown into the possession where the light was present on the elytra of flying organisms, from where the imperceptibility of time and its aetoí or raptors were made free of some prey from the sky that was uncaused unable to support themselves, in means of the Salpinx and Shofar who heeded the voices of angelic *******. The tenors were stewed in stormy queens that dwelt in the mesosphere where Geburah resided for causes outlined in advance, attracting Hellenic claws that were actually a serpent-bearing Ophiuchus that was the thirteenth of the zodiacal sign of the dragon that was stratified in the Opioukos u Serpentarium opioids to settle that it was teleported by Captain Mardiath from Shots by the Wheel of Animals. The celestial groupings were constellated by lurching incontinence of their wills that were not able to advance and attempt what had already been lost. It was already the point of Aries or Vernal as the equinox was marked, from here with the twelve divisions of the zodiacal of Ophiuchus, where the astronomical limits that were in Vilorta were constellated, embracing the iron that held the thalamus of the plow at the helm of Vernarth, tri meaning supposed datas that could correspond to the limit of the quadrant of Aquarius with four new signs since the twelfth signs were distinguished in the wheels of the animals; being Apollo's oxen, having this spelling of the Dodecanese of Saint John after having toured the twelve churches in Turkey, where the collection of the stations would carry the Kouvalíthike se Vódia, "carried by the Oxen" leaving the precipice of the escarpment to Capricorn as the definitive wheel of the twelve divisions of the Dodecanese in the cardinals of the Shemash, making stations of Capricorn and Vóreios of Hyperborea with Wonthelimar, in the extreme north of this dawning night and of the projected equinox, which would be the tangent of the Sun through the celestial south returning again in the fused iconography of all the innkeepers that the astonished swords possessed in their assistances without being able to detach themselves from the reckless image of the scorpion or of an ***** that is illustrated by the ecliptic of the captains of each military squad. The league of fuss and perplexed reactions left them in the limen that became gaseous behind the ecliptic that transpolated the ends of the decision-makers, in these same with the ecstasy of the limits where each cycle appeared in its stunning sponsorships, related of the uncrossings of the bearer that made the cardinal points vary by the ecliptic of Notós de Borker and Dyticá de Leiak, leaving the dawn in the firmament below the mesosphere and the sunrise that was based on the thirteenth zodiacal abode of Ophiuchus, unraveling the gloss of the first postulate of light that was transferred from the unnameable transit of the Apocalypse's declaration. While everyone looked at each other and did not stop wondering when the Colosso of Apsila rose towards the ecliptic of precessional time where she herself detached herself, emerging in her imperceptible time, and carrying seas in the rivers, and rivers over the mountains where the serpentarium more than the sidereal opus that was distorted in the tertiary scale of Aurion, taking them to the Hebraic ladder of Judas Iscariot. The intertestamental analogy would throw the treatises between the Hellenes and Achaemenides and the Mashiach with his multi-consciousness in Judas Iscariot. In this instant of florilege of the heavenly palaces, it was summed up in the female that spread through the nets, hecatombs and afflictions, with crusts of arches that held the quiver from the claws of Beelzebub, which was not imperative for a Geburah who constrained himself to the tension of a god Íblis,  that if he asserted about the temptations of Judas destroying all the temples in the world and the post-captivity of intergenerational breeds, that they would go to the mercy of the host of fatality and inverted horror, that is, with the onslaught of pseudo-Christians who covered themselves with the mantle of the Ofiusco, creating outpourings of the flood that would extol severe genocides of the universe with the immature Apocalypse, which was protected in the ravages of the devastated territories with plagues and morbidities of septem saecula, which would be the execrable legacy of those who did not know that centuries would be born from these spoils of the escapes of the body by the body, only leaving bizarre souls that would reap the inverted step of the genocide, for escapes in the desert of Jerico where if they saw crimson Ophiuchus of the valleys that are from the boiling thesis of who always sees the twelve Giant camels dragging Judas, and clutching camelid legs where he was never safe.
Battle of Patmia Part III
Equality yet not equal
But as above, so below
The path to riches and extreme poverty
Teach us oh Abufihamat
Thy fingers represent hermeticusm
The force to fight against racism
As above, so below
Up to the white moon of Chased, down to the black moon of Geburah.
Where work separate and unite opposing force in a perfect equilibrium.
I see a male and female figure, so we fight for gender equality.
The magic light of universal balance.
As above, so below
To a new world order we say,
open sesame
The attempt to take Patmia was unleashed at once, being protected by Macedonian ghosts including Alexander the Great who came with the melted Xiphos, and who were materializing before the confrontation with the enemies with spirited herons that tried to simulate a greater number of charioteers and steeds than they outnumbered any beast that tried to dominate them with unbridled Cyclops heads. The living half-dead were severed lying with ailments in the newest ranks that epitomized the syntagma of the Macedonian phalanx that was fired by the adjacent slopes in the grooves of the groves near the current Atros monastery, from a high altitude the Achaemenid troops were violated, with their tassels and strawberry trees that made consonance in the labaros, by countersunk washers resurfacing impregnable, and leaving the zephyr of the Thuellai revolted in Marian dispositions that were already beginning to lecture the Persians, with mosaics that resembled iridescence and cramps of expiration, leaving great gestures in the current Roman villa with its archaeological remains, which they would always judge by being willing in the impulses of good and evil, with Apollo who was instituted in a megaron and who would rally all who were forever to follow him and never return, by the stranger keras or side of this improvised framework, where Wonthelimar appeared that e He was in the train of the repertoire of the stalactites of the Chaliotata caves, also splendid in the cave of Drogarati with magnificent glories that allowed them to get lost among the cliff, and attack the Persians from the rear, until now Wonthelimar great expert of the Speleothemes he came from the cave of Melissani in Kefalonia, having them harassed.

The Macedonian Phalanx was commanded by Vernarth and Alexander the Great, bearing in mind the unmistakable strategies of Philip, to win back praise for this decisive Hallenic feat by preempting an eloquent interference by Iblís god, and with his offspring of difference and honor in the Greek possessions with spearmen, pikas and cavalry charges that Alexander the Great would command. The Koilé Aspis was blessed by the Herophilla Sybilla who retrogradely brought the same scattering referring to the Trojan precognition, ordering all the Hoplites to reinforce the cheek pieces with the upper point Koilé Aspis, rolling up the iron plate of the helmet that hung from the left arm. as the sinister that made a plethora of the Zohar and its Kabbalah. The line of the Psiloi anointed the torsion hinges of the keras on the starboards of both light cavalries, one commanded by Kanti and that of Aftó, Alikantus leading Vernarth from the Dyticá. The Hypaspists went in the direction of irruption with all the gravity of the ***** with the heavy cavalry, taking refuge from the heavy Phalanx, next to the right-handed Taxiarchy that sheltered the machines of the enemy troops together with the allied infantry. Towards the side of the sinister, the Syntagma curved with the troops of Thessaly attached to the palfrey of light infantry. From all ends, the Sarissas praised each other in the upright angle that made fearful growth or start-ups even whoever raged them with guttural attributions on the slopes not far from Mount Atros. After the fiftieth of Laodicea, the ranks dropped apexes that exceeded by more than four meters above the shoulder of the arrow brotherhoods that would allow them to deal with their short swords, surpassing the stagnation of the Theban hoplitic phalanxes, thus creating again the embarrassment of the Persians that pale they gave themselves to the pikemen when they were surrounded further from the fifth row of the essence of Vernarth with more than 256 warriors in the Syntagma of Income. This time the science of linking with the Duoverse and the Codex Raedus would extend the myriad of 64 Patmian Syntagmas, which were exacerbated by the syntagamatarchos, being ruled in the soldiers of this row until frisking the pairs of the last soldier called Enomotarchos. Here Vernarth with his horse Kanti reinforces them through the even and odd ranks in the containment of the 32 soldiers, towards the commanders of the eighth peat from the right of a Lochagos. The formation of the two Keras of transition would finally constitute the 32 syntagmas until bringing together the 8192 mesnadas that were rising from the silica with the trumpets to enter the Phalanx with the only war machine in this edition granted by the accentuated voice of their steps, together to the gadgets of their weapons, and Faith that resembled them in the Phrygian morrions for the distribution of a tactic that would not be winning by spilled blood, but by the immovable stamp of the gangs united in their tactical approach, always leaving them in sight of the leonatus that Vernath and Alexander of Macedonia wore, and that no head would contain the smoke of truth where they were secured with a hint of horror, only two minimalisms of light would contain them from the rigor of blindness of the Geburah, later iterating the oblique line that would be a predilection of the cavalry and the subsequent forcefulness of the capital sentence, without attempting any overturning or abrupt windlass d e the sides, so as not to tear the quadrangular gradients of their spectra that used to be prematurely out of square. They strengthened the clubs that split over the four meters of Aurion, to nail them the devil that came from the sky to begin darkness that left the phalanxes uncovered. Unraveling the vines of the demon that tried to entangle them by the superior sight of their leaders, turning with their Koilé Aspis and giving them quick intrigues of protection in motion, essentially pivoting the consecrated Hammer and the Stiletto Anvil that it spurred taking them to the shortcuts with its weak arms to at the expense of the Hetairoi, making them the corollary of dominance and apprehending them against the Pezhetairoi without being able to stop losing the substance of epidermis that could continue or renew due to instances of radial photophobia that cornered them from north to south, taking them dozing where many would-be shaken by Rains of odd starts that will corner them above the flashes that will be reflected from the germinative bases of the Atros monastery, imprisoning them by the sabers in the curves of the Machaira. The wounds will cause a great spiritual wasting creating watches in the remnants of the Syntagmas of some chariots that were wrapped between the last rows, without any prostration that he quickly left and no edge that cut into any collapse of conviction.                      

The Achaemenides were surrounded in the ellipsis of the silica and the future Atros monastery, towards the systematic doctrinal obedience through the resignation of the Seculorum, until then that abhorred Palestine, hearing from afar a strident cacophony that was dramatic convincing, with embalmed edicts of some chronicles, which began to speak in multilateral parapsychologies, which were fading to the edge of the Caucasus, where the fawns diminished their preservation muscles with the giant warriors who tried to capture with their fatigued human eyes.

Saint John Says: “I hold the masters' staff in my hand, they inhibit their apprehensions by squeezing the same tree with their hands, and then making them more flexible when the fawn carries a distance that is difficult for a human to try, even though it is the best hunter towards the flank. right where the last phalanxes turned the heads of the donkey, to avoid attracting the fawn and remain recluse in the siege lances, letting the fawn pairs of the herd carry it "

In this way, it was glimpsed how the Persians' megalomania and weaknesses were castrated in their glorious crowns and heads, which moved them uniting them in the veil of the divinity of Israel where what was founded will be refounded, where the promises will speak for the righteous who stumble. by allegories remained on the battlefield, and not by the stocks or their limbs lacerated by the same adversaries who testify to a greater Apocalypse, who strides and testifies to Asmodeus in what is not confessed, emerging from the imageology in two impossible altars of living together, if one is not there or is distancing oneself by making them believe in the unfolding of half bad compromise, and of flagrant before Samael's henbane.
Battle of Patmia

— The End —