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Gwuts on gwanilliagax
Ready hot gwip

Trill on the vibrant note gabeeboh
What a thril it is to be in nice gazeebo
What a punk that doused on the free zobe
What punctillious panagax that frigged all the wets out
And when the trip to the sausage make didnt pull down alaz
Alaz, I am the wet tug.
Alaz, the sprig of wheat ***** taint.

Didn't you say you loved me?
Well, the bruts on the wagon sauce now
Didn't me have a big one, tug one, sauce one?
Well elemayo gwit gwits gwit gwits gwit gwit.....gwit

Embryo collecting on the branch of a saggy
My baggy be ripped, dripped all the can out
Me step on a puddle, the wet one, the biggy
My pets on the leg, rub, all on it sticky, how ******
He chugs out a wet belch and creams on the gricky
How quaint is his fat bristle comb, of his **** I am assured
This great honkulous tank sub that brits on my dimbo,in limbo my ship
It greats on the grates treat me to a sub snack ship ***** ***** factory get e
Tag me on your webpage, then **** me silly
Candy Glidden Jul 2010
Someone once told me
Love is like a dream

Strewn rose petal pathways
And a delicate flowing stream.

Beautiful mountain tops
Covered with snow

Winds that whisper love
Everywhere you go.

Flowers in full bloom
Like a fairytale enchanted

A wishing well of colors
Where all wishes are granted.

A gazeebo twined with roses
Surrounded by light of fireflies

Clouds of cotton candy
That illuminate the skies.

As night begins to fall
The moon takes the sun away

Still as beautiful as ever
This dream will surely stay.

And soft as a breeze
My heart did flutter

For with every word he spoke
There not once was a stutter.

For I fell in a reverie
Full of pixies and such

When Love did talk to me
And whispered, I love you this much.

I love you like cherries
That burst in your mouth,

I love you like wisteria
That blossom down South,

I love you like dolphins
Love to jump free,

I love you like the ocean
Where waves crash gracefully.

I love you like a mountain
Loves to drink from the sky,

I love you as sweet gentle truth
That betrays the worst lie.

But as I crossed
The green hills so favored

It is that moment in choice
I will forever savor,

For as I awoke
In the morning divine

I saw all the beauties
In the bright sunshine

I awoke in love
And as I turned around

It was to see a smile
I have yet not found

For as love is as mystical
As mystical can be

It is my dream pleasant
That forever belongs to me.
Copyright2008  Candy R. Glidden
Jack Energy Apr 2018
Drunk people reaching from caves
Flowers trumpet out of their eyes, they're smiling

Friday evening around seven
a fire siren is going off

Zoom in on two teenagers in their parent's backyard
They are cranking a home-made red metal siren
It looks like it is made from an old fuse box and a coffee can
It still smells like fresh spray paint

Another higher pitch, grittier siren goes off across town.
Two Rastafarians in a white wood and wicker gazeebo
have a smaller metal siren attached to a long orange extension cord
Small black bats spiral down miniature tin funnels
disappearing into their Rasta eyes

I close my eyes and exhale
watching the sirens move in tropical stereo

It's a rave sign

— The End —