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It all started with the usual

He dumps you, you hurt, days pass by you start stalking his WhatsApp profile... He's online but Oh my word!! he doesn't text you..
It hurts, you think lemme fight for him one last time, boom he ignores your text. Blue ticks, 2hours no reply
You hurt to such point that you talk to anyone but how you feel, you feel your friends aren't there for you, the
only advice they giving is "let him go" as if it's that easy... Your insecurity starts to raise insanely
You try to stalk his Facebook wall, he isn't
there, he blocked you. You feel he owes you an explanation of why would he dumped you, Then Boom!! He has another girl as his WhatsApp profile pic. It hurts, why would he move on just like that? Was I really worth it? I guess not!
He's blind, it's his loss
You lose self-confidence, crying yourself to sleep... This is the same guy who told you that he's nothing like your ex's this is the same guy who pretended to love you
when he really didn't. It hurt, you could feel like your heart is up on your throat and it's choking you
SaD isn't it?

This is my poem called "Teach me not to love you"

Come let's take it slow
Don't be nervous
I'm not trying to get you back
Let's start with the basics
Hate each other
Be enemies and try to ruin each
Others lives
Then become friends
moved by the thought Of being "exes"

Let me see her please let me
Meet the perfect woman I helped you
Prepare for, let me meet her
And enlighten her on how to walk
this path with you
Teach me not to love you
So that I can prepare for my better half
And soul mate, help me rectify
What I did to make you walk out
Of my life

Tell me what I did wrong and what I
Did not do to make you walk out of me
My heart is aching yet the ache is not
For you but it is the thought
That hurts, thinking I wasted my time
On a what once was situation

The ache hurts so bad yet
I wouldn't give you the pleasure
Of sharing a single tear for you
You are not even worth a thought from me
I would never **** myself for you
Because you are not worth
Even a glance from me
Let's not live in vain yet let's help
Each so that our present relationships
May Work out
Come! Meet the man who picked
Me up when you tossed me away like
A piece of waste
Yet a wise woman once said
"One man's trash is another's treasure"

I bet you've forgotten all the promises
You made! Funny how you never even bothered to keep even one of 'em
Yet let's leave that for another day
And leave the past in the past and focus of the present
If we could be different we could be envy, angry, resentful, presumed with hatred.
Life's too short to be holding grudges

All the insults and every single thing you
Said after that breakup trust me I remember yet I hope you've stopped being a coward and started taking the blames for your own fvckUp
Don't leave her miserable like you did to me

My name is Ruth and I've learned to stop loving you

— The End —