You're just a ****** cube.
The Rubick's Cube.
I remember the frustration
That flowed through my fingers
As I tried to solve it as a child.
He explains the method
And repeats the things
The dry mechanics,
I already figured out.
The teachings fall in to place...
The center never moves
Just like in life
The fundation never moves
If one wants to change their lives
One must lose their attachment
To how things look
In their various stages of evolution.
Just like with this ******* cube.
You can't get it right
Without rearranging everything else.
You can't solve the upper layers
Without changing the lowest layer.
And you will never solve it
If you get angry.
It is not your reasoning that lacks
It is your negative emotions
That hinder you from thinking straight.
there's no logic in this!
She roars from frustration
I laugh and tell her
*if there was no logic, the blocks would not be attached to each other
The rubic's cube is the teacher that will put you face to face with all your weaknesses.
And just like in life, you need friends who can explain it to you so you know how to solve it
S: "T solved the cube, you wrote a ******* poem and I can't even get the basics right"