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libramoon May 2010
Tick Tock
Time's a'creeping
Maidens weeping
beating rags along the river's edge
Shallow floods keep the land aware
destiny is seatide

Crazy lady mending her endless tears
Throat flumed, a voice to run from
Love never tarried, though many she married
She ***** an eye, arrowing flocks of fears
Cackles and coaxes sweet mourning doves
to carry her coffin to market
Buyers beware

Don't stop
Don't answer
Don't stare
Don't be seen
Hide in the green
Hide in the hole you call home
Never admit you belong
to the caste you belong to alone
Never assent to succeed to the throne
Wait for cover of darkness
Wallow in comfort of sleep
Trade what time you're given
for a secret you can't keep
Destiny is seatide

May 2, 2010
Abbigail Nicole Apr 2017
enter the horde of idle hedonists
heroes slur disoriented erudition of histories
outsiders stride thru moonlit senility
foe to friend unite under mouthfuls of russet ***

ode to red
riddle riled riots
thrums of melodious lyres
sordid souls soothed, rosily smothered
the thunder of serotine desire resounds
sermonsised myths of lush ironies

elitism interlude
the host rules in definite dement
throne of flumed fortune
floods of dense ferment
series of sly smiles, seedy smolders
edified reins of unholy freedom
shrine to lurid stimuli of ruin
beau présent format

— The End —