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Gr8Ryzyngz Aug 2018
What the fauq
Did you text or call
Me for today?
Is your life not better
Without me in it
Now who's struggling
With accepting fates
It wasn't me
You hit, shoved
And called names?
Oh I forgot
It was only once
Right liar?
Like any of that ****
Would've gotten  
Any better.
What's even worse
Is you told that lie
To the woman
In our daughter!
Daddy of da fuxin century
Yup that you are!
Gr8Ryzyngz Aug 2018
You don't have
Mourning wood like I
Saps drips that gooey glue
Dem muddied waterz
Run deep and wide
Believe I said it before
A muthafauqer ****
*** fauq in the morning
It's necessary
2 Define your comeupingz
If easy is what is necessary to you
It has to be in the word
The word was and is
And is to be
The simplicity that
Conforms wizdumb WE seek
Necessary answers is in the word
Far easier to be necessary  
Having to do what you have to in order to do what you want to
Great  Rising great Day
Happy Weekend  
Gemz dropped again
Oops I-slipped.
Sometimes though I do
Zimply Beeeee Trippin!
Gr8Ryzyngz Aug 2018
Pay to go sit down and tell someone my problems
So they can help me figure out
What to do with my life.
When the hell did **** ever get this bad, this rough, this ******?
I never wanted any of the pain I endured and or inflicted.
How, how can I possibly say I love you and knowingly do and say **** to hurt and destroy you spiritually, emotionally,  physically, mentally.
What the fauq kind of mom raises duality of hateful love
Despising your beginnings once finding out what the origin was about.
Only once in your version and who talks first I suppose win the prize of saying far too much.
Afraid of a tarnishing of my own causing
Hurting the eneme caused from within.
Figure out what YOU need and want.
I can't and won't be both.
Walk with me, not behind
Anything or Anyone...
Gr8Ryzyngz Apr 2021
I do but I don't
Want to fauq with you
You have become
Too familiar
Too easily accessed
Far too
Comfortably available
That's why I keep finding
My way back to you...
Gr8Ryzyngz Aug 2018
Faktz of lyvyng
Don't hate me
When I'm beau ti ful
Hate me
In da mourning
I'm muthafauqin
Zexy *** Fauq Den
Great Rizingz
Ly! Onez pridez
Are showing
Dey got big
It'z Leo Zeazoningz Gemz!!!
Nam Habibi! FLT4ADG Nam!!!
Gr8Ryzyngz Aug 2018
If I folk uz, on you
Where the fauq that leaves me?
Bifocaling laser correcting
How I see my focuses to be.
Gr8Ryzyngz May 2019
Facade you say
Interesting choice of words
Since you know about pretentious
Pretendingz very well
Acting like you gave a fauq
To get what you want
Sending your PR rep
Like that wasn't your game
You know that hustlin backwards
The muthafauqin front
Trust me, what lies beneath the lies
I am far more stupid than she
Who tried so hard to warn me
For whatever their in or
Unintentional reasoningz
I had to see for myself
The real you, you couldn't
Keep hiding akumatizing
Through wordz who I see
Then again believing
Usually iz, resting in
Pieces of Peace!!!
Gr8Ryzyngz Jul 2019
What im thinking
A penny couldn't possibly
Cover the cost of it
May be diabolical just a lil bit
Not really caring to give a ****
Even my give a fauq is broken
Yup second by second
Even minute by minute
I want to know
The cause and effect of it all
*** are we doing all this
Hustling for, if we still
Don't seem to have ****

— The End —