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Paige Sep 2014
People ******* people. You can't walk out of someone's life and then unwillingly come back. Ignoring their feelings is wrong and ignorant. gloating how many "bodies" you have is highly unattractive, and extremley degrating.No girl wants a 16 year old boy whose slept with 6 girls.I'm just so annoyed with the overall value and attitude of guys.  At the end of the day all I ask is that people give people a reason to trust. It's such a ******* world and many are just looking for a way out
There's a reason for everything I do.
Which is a statment I can conclude,
But first, before I start a new.
I'll ask, why do you let your past follow you?
Just because  it's a reflection?
Your mirrior.
Something you never look forward too,
But something that'll always haunt and taunt.
Looking in the mirrior  suddenley reminds,
Life is extremley unfair, no matter the time.
I've been through the past and im stuck in the present.
You'll never know what comes ahead.
So stop looking back with so much resent.
When there's a future, so unknown but pure.
The past is a memory not a cure.
Just because you've left so much love,
Does not mean you should peel feathers from a dove,
No matter how many feathers you pick,
They won't substitute the rock solid hatred that's decided to stick.
I know you miss the words so soft that clinged.
I love you,
No you dont,
This time you can finally be relieved.
Cause the past is just a wondering ghost.
That choses to re live,
Even the most horrible stories.
Just because they're stories he'd never give.
So long with him now here comes the greates fear.
But the futures the future,
I've got time to wait it's no where near.
Just because I mentioned the past as a ghost.
Doesnt mean you won't love the present the most.
There's a reason for everything you do.
Which is a statment...
Only you can conclused.
Never get the past mixed up with your present. And remember the future is always ahead no need to rush life with haste.

— The End —