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Daisy Anarchy Apr 2010
I hate it when all I want to do is die;
And all I get is sleep.
And not even that lasts.
I think about all the people who have ever
looked at me like
a disease
or called me stupid,
And get caught up in hopeless anger.
Constantly preoccupied with the missing loss
of that boy I love.
Finally questioning my own two consoling words
"It's ok."
Lisette Oct 2015
Pas på
Jeg skyder skarpt
Bevæbnet med en AK47,
Øjemålet rettet mod
Den endelige destination
Drages af neonlysets skær i natten
Amatør af eget kød og blod
Danser i søgen efter den lille død
Kærtegner den blidt
En euforiserende fornemmelse
Raser ud i form af skrig
Efterlades i en stønnende tilstand
Begår selvmord
Med min egen

— The End —