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Deniece Long Sep 2016
Self contamination charred an insurgent heart,
A soul's frail remnants combatively desecrate.
Fading to nothingness, his being a mere hull,
Wailing goes unheard in this putrid hollow den.

The air's stench reflective of a fowl sordid life.
Insatiable quenchless greed paired with vainglory
Gives rise to full-scale fated annihilation,
Detachment and desolation seize sanity.

Obscurely repressed memories randomly flash,
Shadows appear and ill willed voices resonate.
Through mad distorted conceptualization,
He envisions himself stepping out of his doom.

Delusional thoughts provoke him to attempt flight,
Somehow elude his inevitable demise...
Yet enfeeblement proves to be victorious,
Powerless to climb he resigns to the darkness.......

— The End —