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To the memory of Neda Agha-Soltan

NE      DA
N      EDA
D  A  N  E
N  E  D  A

Any  day,
One idea.
An Eden.

More of an anagram than a poem, but everything about Neda seems a little cryptic. So much misinformation has now been spread about her that little is now certain except that she died defending her right to protest against censorship and repression. Her name means ‘voice’ or ‘calling’ in Persian.
nactuyah Mar 2014
I'm feeling strange today
like im losing too much strength
Im tired most of the day
I want to stay home and sleep
morning time comes and out comes my dinner
last night I couldn't sleep kept tossing and turning
so I go across the street to get buy something
I take it and a + comes up nice and pink like
should I tell edan
should I tell my husband
or should I keep it secret and let him find out
my life is going to plan its self
soon I'm going to have a bundle of joy
and soon the beauty will come from within
tears fall as I imagine the bundle smile at me
and I want to tell him but its hard to imagine his emotions
but he will have to wait
I have more to worry about than his immaturity
I love him and our bundle growing within me

— The End —