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You and your lover
are quick to give the sign
that you are okay in their books.
While you pepper up my girlfriend
with words of me not so kind.\

I have done my utmost to be polite,
and even that one night when we were drinking,
you were laughing your ***** off.. was that play-acting?

I don't find your need to use bi-****** humor for every second joke
to be anything but in need of a good therapy group, perhaps you can find help there.

You didn't even have the ***** to confront me face to face... no, no you chose to be two-faced.
You chose to talk to OUR mutual friend about some problem you are having with me...
.Couldn't you hear her scream out under pressure of a new job and not much time to spend with friends and family... how self-absorbed are you... man when you told me you were in your 30's I thought you were an adult. All you've managed to do is hurt feelings and demand like a little child that you wan t your all-mighty will to be carried out.... Well guess what pal.. this fella wants some coin if you want him to play a part... better yet.. just go **** yourself.

© 2013

— The End —