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I rather live this way
or i go my way
for everything i couldn't do
for every path i couldn't go
for all of my actions
and all of my inactions

i'm but my own foe
for to all i have regreted of,
my hands had deviced
i'll go my way,embrace my fate

for all i've met i'm but part of
i'm the little boy of yesterday
that has turned to the young man of today
awaiting the matured man
of tomorrow

i've loved without returning
i've been broken countless times
but healed with time and tears
i've cried a river
i've known life just like the blood in my veins

i've learned to take things as they come
Until i can change them
to close my eyes from my desires
until i can command my wish
in living i've learned to live
live without hurt
live without broken heart
live without crush
But that's not living,it's dying

No mortal can live beyond broken heart
none can tell his heart what to feel
as blood in the veins so we're bound to love

There be nothing more like
to love and be loved in return.
Loving, I am at my most happy,
Just loving.
Though at times,
I am treated like a fool,
Love is my eye and my wisdom.
Sometimes, crooked ways
are deviced,
To break my loving heart.
But its already a broken heart.
I don't blame, I don't curse,
Though, labelled the loser,
I am at my most happy
In my brokenness.
Loving doesn't mean I'm weak,
It Doesn't mean I'm vulnerable.
It is just a heavy crown,
Gold, that makes me, ME!
Loving is the reason why
I am happy!

— The End —