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Maxine Rife Oct 2013
Why is it when i see you, your smoking a cigarette so this is for <3   I LOVE YOU and when you read this i hope you STOP.

The cigarette burns
your soul turns

The smoke does rise
The company with you lie but me

The menthol shivers
detroys your liver

I'm your friend and i say this because  I love you " Your acting like the cigarette is your lover and your friend"

The tar is released
Your Life decrease
Hades your life will get all for lighting your cigarette
The river flows
With bodies and souls
The river is where our burdens are thrown
It frees the soul from what it holds
It reflects the truth that you might not know
The creatures that live finds paradise in its holes
And when its cold the river becomes ice cold
To protect the lives that it holds
It turns to vapor to rain on our souls
To treat the thirst that kills the living so very slow
It sacrifices all it has for the great of the whole
But what we do is darken it souls
We polute its waters with the paloutes we throw
How selfish we think and how murderus we grow
We **** the things that help us grow
We forget the things that the river has shown
Until one day the river howls
It consumes each man and drowns him cold
It creates thease waves that galops people souls
Detroys the citese that human helped grow
So think of others the way you think of your own

— The End —