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Baylee Dec 2015
I was at a loss for words,
When I had learned the news.
My best friend called me, crying,
Stuttering that it was her mom that she would lose.

I was confused, dumbfounded,
Until she said the word; cancer.
She was shaking and crying,
But I couldn't give her an answer.

Why was this happening,
To a woman so sweet and caring?
She desided to try out chemo
For her family's sake; she was so daring.

She fought and fought,
For nearly seven months.
Then on the seventh of December,
Her eyes closed and heart stopped all at once.

Dear Valerie,
May she rest in peace.
Lord, let her take it easy,
And all her pain cease.

Bless this family,
In this challenging instance.
Bring them closer together,
With their newly made distance.
Johnnie Rae Mar 2012
The small flame that burns for you,
It's a dwindling flame in the wind,
Dwindling ever so quickly,
At the rate your love shrinks for me,
And you start to wonder why me and you,
Really desided to become we,
It haunts me everyday and everynight as well,
This is the reason I dread the sleep I get,
And the sleep I don't get I miss,
And now the flame that once burned so brightly,
Just now went out tonight,
Now all we do is fight,
And night after night I wonder what happened,
To the forever gone flame,
That once did burn ever so bright.
I'm really not sure where this came from, I think somewhere in my subconscious mind, I know that Im talking about how my parents drifted apart,...but i'm really not sure. Oh well, enjoy.
John Dunn Aug 2022
War broke out in heaven over nought
To do with moral standards born by knights
That the dragon and his angels fought

The urge to swallow blood with the draught
Of medicine for in turned tongue bites
War broke out in heaven over nought

Plus one is one to do what one ought
Have done for minor clothless acolytes
That the dragon and his angels fought

John and Michael to push off of thought
That not the angel but the human writes
War broke out in heaven over nought

But God could beat the half of it brought
Against the shape desided after fights
That the dragon and his angels fought

Saints who pray on innocent lips taught
To say back to our father as recites
War broke out in heaven over nought
That the dragon and his angels fought

— The End —