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Did you tell her about
The edge of the Universe,
Where the stars don't blink,
And you bathe in a sea of your sins,

The colors spoke to you,
In poetry and lies,
Desaturate your mind,
And step in through the blinds.

Is there anybody on this frequency
Listening to this voiceless prayer?
I want to go from here.

Painless offering of winged snakes,
Take flight down a road,
Where blind men see,
And snakes talk in ancient tongues.
Buses blue and yellow,
Take you to the playground
Where the pilgrims disappeared in holy smoke.
Black holes greet you with open arms,
Into the war-torn fields of red,
So beautiful, so ******, so red.
Staring at your defenseless eyes,
Headless hunters, brainless,
Seek you to join them.
Desert child,
Did the sun blind you?
Did the heat seep in through your skin
And burn you inside?
You've been digging at the wrong end,
The light will blind you,
Misguide you,
The exit is to the west.
There's a storm coming.
Get out !
Jo Nov 2013
I shut my eyes to see the universe
In Technicolor,
Only to desaturate it all with open lids –
Blinking is such a tease.

My head turns,
My face trailing behind,
As time ticks slowly past my still silhouette,
Which blends into the dripping, grey sky
As another shade of charcoal –
Blurry and smudged around the edges
Until I am limitless.  

My skull refracts a rainbow,
Tipped topside down
By my pale, dark eyes
All anyone else sees are the shadows
Leftover by heavy wind.  
I don’t live where I should.  

My hyacinth heart grows in bone dust,
Having my skin shift between violet and blue,
A mottled peach –
How silly everyone is
With their dull minds
Forcing their bright eyes
To see in only lines.  

I don’t mind being lost
In fields of sprouting susurrations –
An eyelash falling,
A star dying,
An egg hatching, multiplying,
A spider crawling in an open mouth –
I belong somewhere,
Even if it’s never heard.

I tried inviting someone once,
To borrow my sight.  
They threw up
And told me I was blind.
This is about as close as I can get to explaining what's going on inside my head.
Venus, you turn me blue-
Butterfly, Neptune, lunar tunes.
Space music.
Gaia, giver of gourd and ground, fertile earth
Please ground me- I'm flying by butterflies
And birds and bees in my stomach-
Chest full of it.

I lose weight and my legs give out
No nicotine high, high on you
This lilac bush- butchered for her flowers.
I'm high on nicotine tea.

Signs say,
"No Smoking,"
I laugh like it's joking
But take trespassing seriously.
I don't want a free pass to jail- my record's clean.
They're mean in jail- you're not mean,
I'd rather you be with me
We can hide from hail under trees
And look at stars- how far they are.
Making my hard heart POUND in this yard.

Green grass.
I'd let all color be gray for you if you choose,
And decorate with spray paint if that's what you say.
I'd paint the world or desaturate.
It's easy to play this game and how badly I want to play-
Pray to play.

Venus turn my Neptune from blue to gold
The goal of this game.
I'm saturated by soul.
Arlo Disarray Mar 2015
Behind the light
   Where darkness forms
This is where I roam

      The meeting place
Of shadows
      Is where I've found my home

I drown myself
     In blackness
To desaturate my lies

       I want to lose
My color
       Before saying goodbyes

Behind the light
      Where darkness forms
This is where I hide

      I keep my secrets
Tucked away
      So you won't know I lied

I live in all your nightmares
       You hide in all my dreams
Stranger things have happened
        Nothing's as it seems

You could be the light
     That washes my darkness away
But I'm too scared for change
      So please, just go away

I'm not ready to stop hiding
     I need my shadows, still
I'm not brave enough for you
     And not sure I ever will

— The End —