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Gaby Comprés Dec 2017
i have learned to measure time
in wednesdays
in laughter
in the smiles we shared together
in midnight text messages
in chocolate chip cookies from Subway
and croquetas
i have learned to measure time
in poetry and coffee cups
in stories and hugs
in plays and words read
but mostly
i have learned to measure time
in the moments we’ve been together
in the moments i've felt loved
they say time flies
but like this, to me
time is infinite
Nuez moscada
La seleccion mas natural
Nuez moscada molida nuez moscada
Modo de empleo
Por su aroma y ligero sabor
Picante es ideal para sopas
Espinacas coliflor patatas
Aperativos carnes croquetas
Salsas y en reposteria
Peso neto 45 gramos
Conservar en un lugar fresco y seco

Nuez moscada

— The End —