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Ruslan Nov 2024
Cosing its me so good, what Izzy name, so much to born, go matherland.
Set way a scrow, going to go, my name Ruslan, in my the book, what go to need.
Apartmen what's, so me my friend, that wich o to, you need for you.
So go my friend, this is a book, locked for go, you my in book.
So munching form, that well so good, so munching form, so in the book.
Locked for you, say to a go, that will so Mac, its o the skull.
Six months ago, to me a so, you frick the good, so ing to look.
So you friend gad, gonz in to you, friend in my book, locked for you.
So ind a book, lock me so good, that way a no, so in to go.
Its for in you
Ruslan Oct 2024
All be back tomorrow skull,
****** people that away .
You consort that people dawn,
You can sleep to you get up.

To get sink to you of me,
Mather yang to cos to you.
Thank together cof you can,
Sleeping say to you call me.

That away you concli sleep,
As to you may mather ****.
All con sleeping that away,
You or cosing you go me.

To moy six avat of pip,
You consleep to geda yang.
All bi back to you solon,
Thank you cosing may of sleep.

Yan bulgan ha ha ha ha,
Ille song to you of kiss.
Mather sleep to you sowon,
Altogether indian.
Ruslan Nov 2024
Tall me boy you know i go,
Set of cos to go to me.
Thanks to you i need to be,
That of did you tall me boy.

You need talk to go to me,
Say you song you izzy sent.
Take to me my motherland,
******* goy to go all me.

Set to go in ******* pip,
Pip of people go to bread.
You my mather understand,
El degan tomorrow cos.

Yel of cos the mather ****,
Its so good to you this pic.
Picture of this is cos,
Motherland to you to be.

****** people you go me,
Then to go to you are boy.
Set to me its my begin,
There good to you of me.

Fans to you of cosing you,
Go my friend to go to me.
Its okay you going fran,
Its my president you boy.

Altogether of to you,
Go my president you go.
Deutschland you speak to boy,
San of scan to go my break.

I do need to boy my friend,
It's you go my President.
****** boy you go to need,
Thank you are of to me.

That to go my topical,
Its are go my motherland.
Thit its boy to go my big,
Muster big my President.

Putin Vova its so good,
Naval its to go to break.
Its so lon to go my ****,
****** your go to break.

Its so good to boy its ****,
You can see to go my ****.
Lake are ball my ****** kiss,
Use six are little boy.

****** going to my ****,
Set away to you of skill.
Mather ***** crazy boy,
So to you again to me.

That to boy to you all me,
Then of spring to going sen.
That away to you buy pass,
Second sorry of to me.

That of cos to go to you,
Then to boy you olov me.
*** to go to you are go,
Then to boy my mather ****.

A ha ha you did to break,
Waf to boy you are go.
Come back bread to go to me,
Its alright to boy my friend.

You are go to you of me,
Then to go to you are bin.
Six are months to you are dead,
****** you are presented.

— The End —