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jess Mar 2013
why cant i cry without you being the cause
why cant you leave me
dont try and fix your mistakes
you know my name , not my personality
i show you my fake personality so that i can protect my self from you entirley
your not my mom
you can yell
you can critizize
you can call me names
to everyone else yuor a bad ***
to me you are a lowlife trying tom make herself feel better
i find it amuzing
that you think you can hurt me
that you think im crying because i want to be you
weel im not
im crying because you are so jelous
that your trying to replace my mother
one of the only exzact copys of me
well everytime you call me names
you are just hurting yourself
because i know that i am 3 times younger than you
and still the more respnsible mature reliable trustworthy person
and the only thing important is that i know that
so go ahead try to get me
try to make yourself feel better
because every word
every thought
every smirk
makes me the better person
you cant break my heart because i have a shell
a fake personality
only my blood know the real me
the secrets
the things that would crush you
thank you for making me stronger
thank you for being so low that you make a druggy seem sky high
i was only 10 when we met
but now im only 13 and i feel like im thirty
ready to take on the world
im only a kid
but thanks to you im emotionaly a full grown adult
you need a script
but all i need is my mind
i play it real while you are always trying to be plastic
your blood son already hates you
i hate you
the boys hate you
what more do you want
you drove us away
are you really so low as to drive my dad away to
then the only thing you will haVE
the only thing youll have
is the lies that you tell everyone
your own mother is under your spell
but im not
im free
on my own
go ahead  do it
because i know the truth
ZACK GRAM Mar 2019
fly by my sky rise///
off the helli pad lookin down thank the world///
when my pen sparks it barks an reminesses the sins////
witnessed by bygones representation of a villian ///

peter without the pan ////
robin the hood takin names of towers /////
like the biggie trades your trump ain solid
~take it down~
a hollow, a don, an real g, pelly pell, gran perrier-

im fearless the fakes an jews think they can run sum'n ////
ain finna ruin sum'n on me ill take over the ufo's ////
run the skie's!!!!
you cant compete-
the whole illuminati bow down to me an my aryan race////
HAIL ******!!!!

put you on faith like the country-
hope this ain a dead end road  **** we private-
took my flag but not my gun…….
its official got the key////
to the citt an the carr-
got shot 5 times stuck on the roof lookin down the stairs-
heaven ain around me///
where they at now???

all i see is demons its cashes turned to a mask….
how the cast played an compared casket-
in the dirt for 100 years steppin stones we timeless
pour out the pint list……
the finest/////
central spoke, tone in ya ears, the waves moving, radio-jamming ////
got my song on play till the streets ain safe an witness a heathen-
like 2 quarters im barely breathing for 1 reason////
its shooter-season, its a cold world the war on earth-
on your doorstep pay a tax-
tax evasion………

im scrooge an we eatin smoking that crank speakin scars in sleep ////
dont wake me tired of being around sinners fax thats a copy /////
cat put that ***** on the map make the whole colombus collapse///
watch the bails stock…….
descend to the mathematics an structure —
built in this binding that copys the realest!!!!
infinate mortality
Jill Tait Sep 2020
Pearl the partially deaf parrot
resides at Christina’s care home..
l’m not really sure how this will go
but here’s hoping it makes a rhyming poem

Well this large establishment is a dwelling for senior living care..
It is full up to capacity
with geriatrics living there

Now Pearl is quite a character
perched in a cavity on the wall and
occasionally when her cage gets cleaned she flies loopy around the hall

Although her hearing isn’t good you see she’s getting on in years..
there’s not a word that goes unheard coz she often gets it wrong I fears

Clive Clipper the old cockney..
he always speaks in rhyme and he calls all the females “Me ol duck” all of the time

Haha but thats not what pearls says
although Clive doesn’t care..
when that pesky bird copys him but then he ends it in a swear

Then theres Josie Jenkins well she is the eldest of them all.. She
tells all the visitors she is “Wise of wit” as she sits shouting in the hall

But as you can probably imagine
Pearl changes this abit.. and
everybody chuckles silently
when it’s squalked “Size of ****”

So you get the picture there’s lotd of rude remarks in the house..yet
It wouldn’t be as noticable if Pearl spoke as quiet as a mouse

Oh and there is Peter Waters
always cuddling his tabby
he hasn’t given it a name as
Pearl always yells  “Scabby TXXT”

Haha it is fun for the workers
when they are on their shift..
Coz they are never entirely certain
of the conversation..If you get my drift 🤣

— The End —