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I can't be there .
Im sorry .
I can't hold your hands ,
Look into your eyes
Or hugs you .
I don't even know how to contact you ,
I don't even know how to make you feel better .
I don't know how i can make your burden less .
I don't know what im supposed to say .
It hurts knowing that you're hurting right now ,
And i can do nothing about it .
I know how it feels like when you lose someone you love .
I know how much hurt it is .
I know how much miserable it is .
I hope you stay strong .

God tested you because he know that you're capable .
Because HE love you .
Because HE know you can go through this .

Im sorry that im not there
To wipe all your tears away .
Im sorry that im not a good friend .

My love and prayer goes to your family .
Stay strong dear....
Please stay strong for me...

Condolonce .
A poem i wrote for my friend who just lost his father . Im praying that he'll be okay ...

— The End —