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Johnnie Rae Apr 2012
I'm alive,
Unless I'm dead,
I'm comletely alive,
Fighting the battle,
That hardly anyone wins,
This is more serious than seemed before,
Here  I am,
Sprawled out on the floor,
You did it,
You killed me,
Mentally I'm dead,
Physically I'm fine,
But look on the inside,
I'm dying,
Or am I dead,
Completely insane,
What the **** happened to  my brain,
It doesn't seem to be working.
Sort of random, Written completely off the top of my head, Comments are appreciated.
Dakota Schmidt May 2010
Taking in the peaceful
Enclosing darkness
Of midnight.
Forgetting the battles

I constantly fight.
gazing at the beautiful stars,
I look down to my ragged scars.
The markings on

My beautiful skin that will last forever,
How can I forgive
Myself for being so foolishly clever?
I don't know how I ever

Found this place, for
The true beauty is within the night's
Darkened embrace.
Comletely isolated from the chaos

Around me, this is where my
Soul can set free.
There is no sadness, anger, or pain
For I can free the emotions I always restrain.

There is no other unmatchable joy
Than being hidden from a
Hateful world that seeks
To destroy.

This is the only place I am ever at peace,
The only place my happiness
Can release.
I wrote this in my tech class, haha. I wanted to write about how darkness and the beauty of the stars always comforts me when I believe the world only wants to tare me down.
Lunatic Mar 2015
had my face disguised
my heart comletely heartless'd
had my mind ever disclosed who I am

— The End —