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monica zindy Jan 2019
We've read of Martin Luther and his desire to promote race equality and individualism.Were his works worth the time or a hopeless hope of words spoken in history and an impact forgotten?

Speaking in the dark. I question myself, if Luther's dream was a reality. If day by day he worked in hope to benefit the coming black generation against any activity of colourism. Why are humans devalued due to their skin color till date? Writings of skin would perish from making sense in our generation. If his dream was accomplished.

In his dream is where I live today. I continue dreaming. Hoping there will come a generation were a dark skin man will participate in living an travel through all activities with any other tan of skin without living through superstitious stereotypes.

A dream, that a dark skin human will earn all respect in their difference and never be pulled down of value in comparison to another tan of skin
Izaak El Amado Sep 2020
Ever since i saw the colourism
ive been trippin
just like colonisim we been forced
thinking were doing good like propaganda
this is just all fan fiction
i think were forgetting what we should be demandin
everytime i look back i feel wrong
you let a dark skinned brother
plug his gram;
rejecting a mixed sister
talkin about the plight of
the black man
too bad we here looking dumb singing the same ******* song
in reality we all are in the ****** wrong.
So i went to the BLM rally.
In conclusion it was painful and the power struggle that is within all ****** up system's were apart of this "rally"

we are gonna be heard
Ryan O'Leary Dec 2019
There are a disproportionate
number of white people on
the planet, it is colourism at
its most biased and I am not
BIGoted, but!

— The End —