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Jim Burgess Jan 2010
Flee the Ghetto  

Times and Motions
Whirls and Swirls
Around the universe
we twirls

Great Space is black
all pinpoint lights
So cold and bleak
through all the night

Our best minds sit
and stare in awe
In altars, perched
on mountains tall

Seeking vistas,
Planets fine
Warm and wet
With Oceans Brine

Pure, swept With winds
fresh and new
A Paradise,
unblemished dew.

For we must flee
This planet small
Too many we
and soon the fall

Is eminent
if not we go
and refuge find
Pray God bestow

While we have time
To start anew
To try again
for we were fools

And ruined the place
gave us in Love
God’’s great gift
from Heav'n above

Dear Earth, fair home
All blessings be
Beloved of Man
On bended knee

We bow to you
You fleck of rock
You grain of sand
That bears our flock

Our precious home
for man to stand
and look around
and understand

How fragile’s life
A gift so rare
For all we’ve found
Of life Is here

So search brave priests
of this new age
of our demise
you are the sage

Please Save us guys
you honored few
To you we cry
it’’s up to you

For we poor clods
have fought, and ruined
This grant from God
Destroyed too soon.

Find us a home
Another womb
Another Harbor
Please find one soon

For us to raise
our children strong
and try to teach them
right from wrong

That black or white
means not at all
that violence
precedes a fall

Too many players
Too small a stage
A madness caused
A screaming rage.

Our history
A tale of woe
Of endless wars
Tombstones in rows.

Our weapons might
Now reaches all
no refuge from
the killing fall

You made those things
Those killer toys
Now turn your brains
Look outward boys!

We need your help
and God’’s as well
This fate to turn,
This ride to hell  

For we have learned
to dread the sight
of timeless darkness
endless night

We need some friends
To fight and play
Another species
Help us pray

Or we will end.
and all will turn
to endless blackness
Hell  returned.  

Justa Civileon 2003

gender neutral on the "guys"

Not one of my uppiest rambles but I never was a light person
Jim Burgess Jan 2010
I Can’t Find My Glasses - Care Givers Prayers

I can’’t find my glasses?
Okay little one
just wait for a sec
till the dishes are done

I can’’t find my glasses?
Okay ***, lets look
perhaps in the bedroom
While reading your book

I can’’t find my glasses?
Now where could they be?
On the couch, or the table
On top the TV?

I can’’t find my glasses?
It’’s fine now , don’’t fret
You’’ve just now misplaced them
We oft times forget.

I can’’t find my glasses?
Prap’’s here, in this room
Don’’t cry now my darling
We’’ll locate them soon.

I can’’t find my glasses?
Here give me a hug.
Don’’t cry and don’’t fret now.
You cute little bug.

I can’’t find my glasses?
What’’s this that I feel.
Your pockets the culprit
See what is revealed.

My glasses! You’’ve found them!
Her smile’’s just a beam.
Her joy is unbound less.
Her panic serene.

She skips to the bedroom
To fuss and to play.
"I can’’t find my glasses"
The third time. Today.  

Dedicated to my wife a young grandmother with alzhieimers.

Justa Civileon 2004
Jim Burgess Jan 2010
A poet not

Perhaps someday I’ll write a rhyme
If so inclined and have the time

A play on words, a touch of wit
Tis true, I have some nack for it

Of pace and meter, twisted words
Passion, feelings, things I’ve heard

But not just now, my soul is old
My mind is numb , my muse too cold

My thoughts are shallow, as a pond
While poets need, an ocean strong

And so for now I’ll meditate
On poems of friends, I know are great

Just a rhymer - Justa Civileon 2003
Jim Burgess Jan 2010
Oh for a muse of fire.

Sitting quiet, meek and still
Silent, silenced, till I shrill
Crys. Laments for words to use
To spark,  inflame, my chilly muse
Prayers to heaven, to the gods
To the furies, hear my sobs
and pray now
Send a spark sublime
Perfect platter, all in rhyme.

Justa Civileon 2003

— The End —