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Chastized me, how dare I want.
Your insignificant dilemmas,
The crisis queen has selfishly kept my heart
As I fester in this corner.

I, the jonah, vicariously burning,
I, the ungodly freak, fed your masked scraps.
I, the fool, bathe in your false hopes.
I, the *****, am entitled to no affinity.

Yearning for a place, a moment, *une amie.
Alex Apples Feb 2010
I kept my hands clean today
No unholy things for me today

I snubbed my neighbor twice
For twice the heathen greeted me
I gave him barbed advice
For each time he had cheated me

I kept my hands clean today
No unpleasant things for me today

I went nowhere where one could find
Sinning folk or those in need
I chastized a beggar who was blind
Accused a friend of pride and greed

I kept my hands clean today
No ungodly things for me today

I avoided adulterers and ******
And gluttons, thieves, and tools
I gave a penny to the poor
And two cents to a fool

I kept my hands clean today
So God, why didn't you bless me today?
(c) 2010 Alex Newman

— The End —