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Athens, February the seventh of two thousand thirteen

A long day is perishing, its dawn was short, its rain perpetual and its air heavy,
And I think it is a shame that you are not here with me, now that I look my watch and its 6 o’clock in the afternoon.

I have the stark feeling that Athens was much,, much more yellow with you here,

now that in my magic eyes are candles, and in my head bells, and that I listen the tachycardic throb of this keyboard,
being punched with rugged fingers for almost 3 pages, now that I see the clock and its 7 already,

I pop my knuckles just to harvest some cassavas for you, and briefly, I found myself judicious.

Because, today as always, and also as ever, I think it is a shame that you are not here with me…

My left foot aches like hell and I think about which running shoes I will buy, then I cherish the time we bought your brown running shoes and then, wonder the ones I just picked will like you, because
Maybe, in that near and also far day of fall, I will be using them, when I met you again.

Maybe then I will watch into my cellphone and, being 8 p.m. already, you will say  “Hello, my love” while walking toward me … and I will say “Hello, my heifer”… And we will stand right there, both of us… me, stained with the green sea color of your glaucomic eyes, and you, with the blue stain of my banished loneliness.
Gentle ,little by little I gained control
For a long time ,I had done wrong
Many people and alot of people complained .
My lies deceived their eyes not even their cries could change my habit.
Like a straight line ,I alined myself with time .
Like a magic box ,my colours became now my colours.
My turnished name turned in now my trusted name .
A new experience I started experiencing rising to my best.
Live a dove ,I loved being humble to people.
Caring ,loving cuddling and humbling turned to be me.
My sweet tweets ,set my standards
Untill they took my kindness for wikness
Untill they spitted repeated again in my own mouth
The same teeths that do eat smooth eggs still eats raw cassavas .
A lion is a lion whether painted or not.
A door I had closed ,a door I had forgotten,it's memories rotten.
It's a fire you have wired,then get geared.
When I say I used to be ,the be is still in me.
It's the language you understand that i will bring to your stand.

— The End —